

Hi, I am Ruby now let me tell you about me and this is my story!


As soon as I came into the world, I knew I was special. I went to a home with my man human in the south of England and generally life was good. I was left on my own most of the time and jumped out the window often when I felt the urge to find a found a tom to satisfy my needs.


I felt the pains I knew so well when I was ready to give birth to my litter. I found a corner in the room with some clothing left in it and before long I felt all my kittens delivered. This time it was quick, and I licked them and washed them, feeling the love for my kittens and caressing them all carefully.


My human has gone away, and I have not seen him for a long time. The other human gives me lesser amounts of food which is starting to worry me since I need to produce enough milk for my kittens.


I can hear him talking and suddenly I hear a rumbling noise in the driveway and a lot of things being packed, I am lifted carefully and put into a carrier with my four kittens.

feel the rumble of the car and before long I can see sky and different scenery A long time passes and I try to get comfortable in this big moving thing. The other human kept looking at me and checking.


We pulled up outside a big home and taken inside my kittens and I were put in a much larger carrier where we had our own enclosed toilet. Our food was handed to me in dishes and my kittens grew quickly and before long they opened their eyes and little squeals came from them.


I noticed the other cats in the home, a little white and black cat that obviously had been spoilt by the lady of the house which I took an instant dislike to, and the black and white tom cat who just sat happily, he was so easy going I hardly knew he was there and was always in the garden with the man.


A big white cat with a spot on her eye just keeps watching me and the kittens, and every now and then the little black and white cat walks by and hisses.


My kittens get heaps of attention, and I noticed the white cat loving one of my kittens I could smell her on it and I went for my kitten, so the human took the kitten away and when he handed her back I could only smell kitten and accepted her with the others.


There were a lot of barbecues and laughter, this was very different to where I came from it’s nice and quiet and the home buzzes with laughter and treats, food is plentiful and to my liking and we all get fresh meat and cat biscuits very different to the small amount of food I got before.


My kittens are feed fresh strips of meat as soon as they are old enough and they lap it up.


My kittens had been gone for a short while and then I am taken in the car to the animal place and left.


I hear Ruby called and I am taken down the long corridor and placed in a room with the other cats.


I meowed and before long I was in a deep sleep, hours passed and when I woke up, I felt a little drugged although I could stand. Then I saw my lady human and I was back home before I knew it and put back into the large carrier to recover.


I really missed my kittens and I feel a sadness come all over me, I just rested and before long the stitches dissolved, and the slight tingling goes away.


Days have passed and soon I see my lady human come through with a basket and I notice inside my two kittens I was filled with joy and jumped off immediately and onto the basket, they were let out and I played with them hugging and licking them and they nudge me, I could not stop purring I felt so happy.

? I watched my kittens get into as much mischief as they could, playing, jumping, climbing curtains, and running around, they grew quickly and before long we all got on the bed and snoozed in the afternoon light.

The kittens enjoyed climbing up whatever they could and pulled clothes off hangers or swung on doors.

Snowy is the one to calm down any cats and has made herself the head. I go for Angel every chance I can and get pulled away and yelled at. Angel is put in the room with the man I came up from the South of England with although there is a strange smell as he is not clean, and Angel showed her disapproval by peeing on his dirty clothes.

Snowy intervenes and keeps the peace, every now and then I feel the water gun as I go for a cat.

Another cat has arrived Molly, she is a thin black cat and very shy, I cannot stand cats that feel sorry for themselves and act as if the world is against them therefore, I make a bee line for her, but she just jumps out of my way.

Time has passed, and I have noticed the Tom cat does not feel very well so we all leave him be, suddenly he is taken ill and taken away and we do not see him again.

A while later another grey and white female cat appears, she is placed in the large cat carrier and before long a black cat who is her brother joins us. They both dominate the bed, and we struggle to get near our lady, I always meow to get some attention.

We have all settled in and Tom and Snowy rule they have a calming effect about them that all of us respect and Snowy really mothers everyone, I noticed Angel has gone and not come back and some of the people that lived here.

Tom is very different to Spot he strolls as if he owns the place and street and demands attention from our lady as much as possible especially when she is downstairs. My kittens have grown, and Sandy likes the curtains hanging in the roof, she uses them as a hammock and jumps on top of every piece of furniture she can find.

We all go crazy for cat nip when it is put out rubbing it all over our fur, I love the smell on my coat and at Easter time we get plenty in our Easter eggs which does not last long.

We all look forward to opening the big bag of cat biscuits, Sandy has got very good at it and most of the cats follow her.

I look up to see another two small kittens which have been put in the cat basket and shortly after a black kitten as well, the new arrivals get plenty of attention.

???? They are not as naughty as my two, although the bigger one likes to steal the food when the humans are not watching.

It is not long before everyone is let out, then an older cat arrives, she just lies around and gives her adorable look and gets all the attention when other humans arrive.

Every time a new cat comes we get our order in place then another arrives. There has been a lot of activity in the street and it is to do with the cat in the shop roof, we now have the mother cat, who is cranky and hates other cats she only gives affection to our lady she swipes at all of us, so all the cats keep their distance.

I come into the kitchen to find another small cat about a year old she is very much like Possum my daughter some hissing goes on initially, but we have all grown to like her and now some of the cats have become good friends.

Molly only comes up now and then she is mainly an outdoor cat, we sometimes acknowledge her although we have formed a pack and look after each other. Blackie who is very much like Molly has now moved in, he loves sleeping in the conservatory, until Snowy chases him although they seem to be getting on better these days.

The latest human that moved in has now brought in her two cats, and I love going for them until I get told off and sent out of the room.

We have all found our favourite places in the house we to want to be and manage to get some time with our lady.

Thank you for reading my story.

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