Rube Goldberg – Love him or ....?

Rube Goldberg – Love him or ....?

During one of my recent religious runs on the internet, I came across a name…Rube Goldberg.

Wanting to keep up with my tradition of being inquisitive and to know more, I did the obvious and googled Rube Goldberg.

What I learnt was, Rube Goldberg amongst other things was a famous cartoonist who drew complicated cartoons representing everyday simple things. It made me wonder why he did what he did, was it out of curiosity or his mind worked incredibly well, or he just had too much time on his hands.

Whatever the reason I have had quite a few smirks as I looked at his drawings and his imagination.

However, to quote Bruce Lee: If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.

My trait always is to look for ways to do things as simple as possible. I do not like to complicate things and appreciate tasks that are simple and easy.

Unlike Rube Goldberg, I love designing simple and easy content in my role as an content creator, this results in not complicating my modules and especially not confusing my learners too.



