Rubber Week 2024 | 22-26 April 2024, Bangkok, Thailand
Peram Prasada Rao
CEO - TechnoBiz - International Resource Center for Polymer Industries & Process Technologies
TechnoBiz is hosting "Rubber Week 2024" from 22-26 April 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand at Century Park Hotel. with focus on specialised conferences and training programs for rubber industries. The following programs are scheduled for this week. TechnoBiz is inviting interested rubber industry experts, technologists, and researchers to present papers. If interested in being a guest speaker, please submit a presentation topic, summary, and speaker biography with a picture by emailing to [email protected] by 15 February 2024. Confirmed speakers will receive a 20 to 30-minute presentation slot depending on the proposed topic. Selected full papers on topics presented during this week will be included in the "RUBBER HANDBOOK" published by TechnoBiz.
Training Programs
For more information, please contact Peram Prasada Rao, TechnoBiz, Thailand (Tel: +66-89-489 0525 | Email: [email protected])