RTD Financial Named to List of
Nation's Top Defined Contribution (DC) Advisor Teams

RTD Financial Named to List of Nation's Top Defined Contribution (DC) Advisor Teams

RTD Financial has been named to the National Association of Plan Advisors’ (NAPA) list of the nation’s top defined contribution (DC) Advisor Teams with assets under advisement of at least $100 million. RTD has been recognized by the National Association of Plan Advisors as a Top DC Advisor Team each year since the inaugural list was published in 2017. Click here to read more.

DISCLOSURE:?The above-mentioned recognition was given on March 20, 2024 based on the time period of the 2023 calendar year. It was provided by NAPA.?RTD Financial has reasonable belief that the survey used to determine the award was fair and balanced. RTD Financial did not compensate NAPA to be included in this survey. The Top DC Advisor Teams recognition is no guarantee of future investment outcomes and do not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance or results.

Investing: Don’t Be Biased

Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, passed away in March at the age of 90.?Many investors may not be familiar with him, but he has had a profound impact on the field of behavioral finance through his pioneering research on human decision-making and cognitive biases. Kahneman, along with his collaborator Amos Tversky, introduced groundbreaking insights into the ways in which individuals deviate from rational decision-making models outlined in traditional finance theory. Their work challenged the assumption of Homo economicus, the rational economic actor, by demonstrating that human decision-making is often influenced by psychological factors and heuristics, leading to systematic biases and errors.

By recognizing and understanding these biases, investors can take proactive steps to mitigate their impact, making more informed and rational investment decisions over the long term.

Click here to read more.

RTD Financial Community Involvement

Community is one of our core values and we are committed to improving the well-being of others in the communities we serve and helping them thrive.


Junior Achievement

  • On Friday, May 10, RTD partnered with Junior Achievement to host 25 tenth?grade students from Mastery Charter School: Shoemaker Campus in West Philadelphia for a "Job Shadow" event! The purpose of the event was to teach the students career readiness skills, allow them to interact with professionals in a career area of their interest, and learn more about the education, skills, and experience needed for a role within the company. The day entailed a tour of the RTD office, presentations providing an overview of each department in our firm, informational interviews with several planners, and a fun budgeting game to teach topics related to financial literacy.?Click here to read more.

Long-term Part-time Employees Affecting All Retirement Plans

A long-term part-time employee is any employee who worked at least 500 hours but fewer than 999 hours in three consecutive years. With the passing of the SECURE Act and SECURE Act 2.0, this new classification was identified and counting began after 2020. Any employee who falls into this category must be eligible to make deferrals to the retirement plan. Employer contributions would not be required. Most third-party administrators and recordkeepers have processes in place to track these long-term part-time employees as long as all employees are included in the year-end census request.

However, employers who sponsor a Solo 401(k) need to carefully review hours for any current part-time employees over the past three years to determine if they would be qualified as a long-term part-time employee. If there are any employees who would fall into this category and should be eligible to contribute to the plan, action must be taken. A Solo 401(k) plan is established for owners, partners and their spouse to be exempt from the reporting and disclosure requirements of ERISA. Therefore, with employees now eligible to contribute to the plan, a Solo 401(k) plan is no longer exempt from ERISA and alternate plan design and strategies need to be considered.?

If you think your retirement plan may be affected by this change, please reach out to your RTD team or email?[email protected].

Click here to read more.

Personal Wealth Management

Our team works with families and individuals to help them navigate financial decisions and develop an evolving plan focused on their unique needs and desires. Learn more.

Employer Retirement Plan Solutions

RTD partners with business owners and executives to design and manage effective retirement programs, helping employees build a solid foundation for their future. Learn more.

Trust Investment Management

We work with individual and corporate trustees to develop investment strategies that meet the varying and often complex needs of beneficiaries. Learn more.

Nonprofit Investment Management

RTD has a dedicated team who works closely with boards and finance committees to develop and maintain high-impact investment plans that meet today's needs while ensuring a stronger tomorrow. Learn more.

If We Can Ever Help, Please Let us Know

At RTD, our relationships are at the center of everything we do and we’re humbled when partners and clients introduce us to their friends, family and network. If we can serve as a resource to someone you know, we’re always available for a conversation. Contact us today.


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