RSW/US Ad Agency New Business Round Up for mid-July

RSW/US Ad Agency New Business Round Up for mid-July

We're putting a spotlight on some of the posts, interviews, or articles that caught our RSW eye-all centered around ad agency new business-it's the RSW/US Ad Agency New Business Round Up for mid-July .

A Blessing and a Boogeyman: Advertisers Warily Embrace A.I.

Yes, more on AI, but this article provides more detail than your typical, AI will destroy us all, article.

“It really doesn’t matter if you are fearful or not: The tools are here, so what do we do?” said Jackson Beaman, whose AI User Group organized the event. “We could stand here and not do anything, or we can learn how to apply them.”

???2. Agencies are losing staff to increasing mandatory in-office days

Interesting to see where we are post-pandemic in the ongoing back-to-the-office debate.

“That disconnect breeds unhappiness and we're seeing firsthand those businesses who are making people go back to the office five days a week are going to lose staff. That's a fact, that's not even a debate,” Kelly said.

3. Laser focus without the mayonnaise-Cut to the Chase with Colleen Lerro Gallagher, President & CEO, OnWrd & UpWrd| Ep. 6

In episode 6 of our agency interview series, we talk with Colleen Lerro Gallagher, President and CEO of OnWrd & UpWrd Marketing and Communications.

?Colleen and her team have built a laser-focused offering around associations and created a multi-tiered thought leadership strategy to help establish themselves as the experts in the field.
This is something you can do for your firm as well, obviously with some work, but you'll get some solid insights and ideas from this episode.

(Also, Colleen would rather answer an RFP than eat a hot bucket of mayonnaise.)

Thanks for reading the RSW/US Ad Agency New Business Round Up!



