RSL - part 2 of the 45-year history
As detailed in part 1 (see link below) my father, Brian Rogers OBE, who was the founder of Rogers Services Limited (RSL), had suffered a devastating stroke in 2009.?
Thus, after a break of 18 years, I again became the Managing Director of RSL without really knowing what the company did, what its assets were and whether it still had any clients. I was the Global Head of Trust Services for Amicorp Group, in 2009, and was a tax resident in Singapore, although I was also working and living in New Zealand, Switzerland, the USA, and the UK with the UK meaning mostly Northern Ireland as that was where the Strife had her roots. ?
Fortunately, Northern Ireland is very close to the Isle of Man (IOM) in proximity, so I organized a visit to the IOM on my next visit to the former country. During that time, I discovered the following pertinent facts:?
·??????? RSL had barely any business activities left;
·??????? The only remaining client was a dodgy one who owed RSL £60K because my Dad had been delivering director services to his equally dubious companies;
·??????? There was one attractive lady employee, who didn’t seem to be doing much other than filing bank statements, but was being paid handsomely for her part-time services. (Dad was known to be a “sucker’ for a pretty face)!
·??????? There was £1M sitting in a RBS current account.?
The latter item non-plussed me as Dad has been “pleading poverty’ for years. So, I called up my only UK-located brother to try and discover the source of the funds, as said brother had been much closer to Dad, in recent years, and Dad was also now residing in a care home that he owned. When I asked him where the money had come from, Paul’s response was “I don’t know and best you don’t ask”!?
Thus, I eventually decided that the dodgy client and the pretty lady would both have to go, and I would invest the $1M by converting RSL into a passive investment company (PIC), as I wasn’t going to hang around the IOM trying to pick up business for RSL when I was being paid approximately $200K per annum, tax-free, to work in more exotic and usually sunnier climes. RSL remains a PIC to this day.?
In January 2012, my long career with the Amicorp Group ceased and that was the same month that my Dad died, as he was infected by a “Super Bug” while recuperating from a minor operation at Portsmouth Hospital. Because of his passing, the Port St Mary house that we jointly owned was now mine alone. As I wasn’t planning to stay in the IOM, at that time, I sold the house to RSL during the same year. Although, I just accepted a promissory note, for the amount due, as I was flush enough, back then, not to need the money. My thinking was that, if I ever got low on funds, I could “draw down” on the promissory note tax-free. (I still haven’t needed a drawdown, to date, despite my current “feast and famine” life).?
During the latter part of 2012, and for most of 2013, I served as the Managing Director of a Dubai trust company. The company was owned by a multi-office Italian Group and I was also Head of Trust Services for that Group. It proved to be my last trust business sector (TBS) job, as I decided not to renew my contract because I didn’t like their UAE business model, which seemed mainly to consist of offering RAK ICs with UAE bank accounts to Western Europeans for tax avoidance/evasion purposes. There was no CRS in those days but a tax offence is still a crime and I did not want to be an accessory after the fact. (That group no longer exists because it imploded partly due to partner infighting after one of the partners was arrested, after my departure, for facilitating tax evasion!).?
I ended 2013 at the Strife’s house in Northern Ireland and fully aware that I would end up back in the UK tax net if I overstayed my welcome. Thus, I decided to finally return to the IOM because I already had available accommodation courtesy of RSL.?
At the beginning of 2014, I flew back to the IOM intending to use the island as a base for future travels because we still had a Florida house and I was traveling elsewhere too. Indeed, I was only in the IOM for a month, or so, before I flew to Mauritius to take up a 3-month tenure as a Senior Wealth Planner with an MRU trust company.? That meant that by the time I returned to the IOM again, my 55th birthday had come and gone, and 55 is “ripe old age” in the TBS world plus I wanted a job where I could use my multi-jurisdiction knowledge and there was “nothing going” because the IOM’s TBS can be quite provincial.?
Thus, in the knowledge that there was no hope of obtaining an employment role, where I could use my skills and knowledge, I ultimately decided to “ditch” my 25-year TBS career and become fully self-employed as an International Wealth Planner (IWP) while marketing my services through a Bahamas IBC that I own, which is called Offshore Consulting Services Limited (OCSL). This company would later become the lead company in the OCSL Group, which now comprises 6 companies including RSL.
The OCSL Group was formed in 2019 after OCSL and its US subsidiary, formed in 2016, and RSL and its Anguilla owner were amalgamated into a group of companies for marketing purposes. In 2023, a Nevis private trustee company (PTC) and a Wyoming PTC were also added to the Group.?
I beneficially own 5 of the 6 companies and I added another 3 beneficially owned entities to the list with the founding of the Professional Protector Group, in 2022, which is a group that delivers corporate protector services to trusts and foundations.
Dad also owned or part-owned multiple companies, during his lifetime, but RSL is the sole survivor of the lot. So, I often wonder if my “babies” will all go “belly up” when I shuffle off this mortal coil. I sadly suspect that they will unless I can persuade someone to take them over when or before I turn 70, if I am still alive and kicking then!?I’m 65 now and the Sword of Damocles is also swinging ever closer to my head because I had a triple bypass two years ago and the new plumbing doesn’t come with any long-life guarantee! See the link below where I celebrated my 65th.?
It could be that RSL is going to be the only survivor, yet again, because it is the most asset-rich of all the entities. So, I intend to eventually transfer its shares to a trust in order that the Strife and my heirs-in-law can benefit from its wealth even if I can't!
In the interim, my IWP life suits this rather elderly gent as I no longer indulge in international travel since the Florida house was sold in 2021. So, I now live a WFH existence and rely on OCSL’s Business Partners & Affiliates (BPA) network to service our clients around the world. Because OCSL has BPAs in almost every international financial center. OCSL also delivers tax advice for all English-speaking nations with many Expats due to my former life as an Expat tax nomad.?
By November, I will also have been a STEP member for 25 years, and being a TEP changed my life because it resulted in yours truly becoming a fiduciary specialist as I have been the senior director of at least 6 professional trustee companies in different jurisdictions plus I have also enjoyed two Head of Trust Services roles. I estimate that I have dealt with 2,000 trusts in multiple jurisdictions and also about 300 private foundations. Consequently, OCSL now offers a Fiduciary Consultant service to boutique fiduciaries.?
RSL fulfills a vital role as it finances Group operations when “times are hard” as the OCSL Group still endures a “feast and famine” life even 5 years after its creation. Although we are attracting a succession of increasingly wealthy clients. So, it is likely that resource will diminish in importance in the years to come.?
RSL has also had various IOM registered agents, since 2009, and I find it odd that none of them has ever tried to enter into any form of business affiliation with the OCSL Group even though I have way more TBS experience than any of their staff. (Is there any other TEP in the world who can claim to have held senior-level roles in 18 jurisdictions?). We are building business partnerships with other IOM firms but none in the TBS to date!?
I intend to semi-retire in 5 years and that’s the year that RSL will turn 50. Thus, I hope that both RBS and I will remain in relatively good health so that I can post about both events in 2029!
Congratulations on your anniversary. What do you believe has been the key to your success in corporate services over the years?
Congratulations on your milestone anniversary. Wishing you continued success and growth in serving trusts, foundations, and corporate services.
Helping UHNW Families with tax solutions for international assets
3 个月Tripping Yarns could be a series!
Executive Chairman Evrensel Group of Companies
3 个月What an incredibly interesting story. I read every word. You've certainly been around Ed. A life well lived, I would say. But knowing the argumetative old sod that you can be, I doubt you will agree!! LOL.