RRHH Digital interviews Sylvia Taudien, director of Advantage Consultores

RRHH Digital interviews Sylvia Taudien, director of Advantage Consultores

The 4th International HR Conference has once again made Barcelona the world headquarters of new disruptive and innovative trends

What will happen on the October 6th 2017 in Barcelona?

The 4th edition of the International HR Conference Barcelona will be held on the 6th of October. An event that I have been organizing annually since four years now and which is totally held in English with speeches in Ted-talks-style. It is a unique conference with high-class speakers that attracts 300 CEO's and Human Resources Directors from all over the world every year. In this edition, they come from companies like Google, Gartner, Unilever, Global Future of Work Foundation and Ricoh USA, among others.

During the Conference the exchange of experiences is facilitated, links and synergies are generated, but, above all, it is an event that provides inspiration for professional development. For this reason, attendees actually leave the event with a new vision, with the feeling that they have learned disruptive and innovative things and that they have been inspired to apply it in their company and in their surroundings.

In what three big blocks will this conference be divided?

Future of Work, Future of Recruitment and People of the Future are the three major topics of the 4th International HR Conference Barcelona.

With regard to the future of the work, we will analyze the new ways of working and the new work spaces: anywhere at any time. We will also talk about the professions of the future, robotization, upcoming trends within organizations, digitization and the role of human resources in this context.

The second topic will be the future of work. Specifically, how the professionals are being recruited. Regarding the future, what counts are the candidate's experience and the humanization of the recruiting process.

The third thematic block will be the people of the future. The speakers, who are all digital natives, will tell their experiences as founders of startups.

Where will the Conference be held?

In the Torre Telefónica Diagonal 00. In this edition the Congress will change part of its format and location to offer a rhythm and a more dynamic and innovative image. For example, after each thematic block, there will be a debate among the speakers led by a moderator. Moderators will be Yusuf Okucu, Senior Manager Talent & Experience at Vistaprint; Rubén Agote, Lawyer & Partner at Cuatrecasas & Ex-Alumni Singularity University; And Pablo González, Founder & CEO of PANGEA.

As every year, the Conference will be attended by speakers and professionals from around the world. We speak of countries like: United States, Germany, Singapore, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Morocco and Hong Kong, among others.

To whom is the conference addressed to?

The Conference is designed for Directors of Human Resources, General Directors and Digital Directors, but also for young people. As a novelty, this year we launched a contest for disruptive and innovative young people from all over the world whose prize is the attendance at the 4th International HR Conference Barcelona. As I have already mentioned, one of the central topics are the People of the Future, where we will have young entrepreneurs such as Pablo González, Founder & CEO of PANGEA; Pau Sendra, CEO of Waynabox; Cesare Cacitti, a 17-year-old Italian student who at 13 built a 3D printer; Or Sana Afouaiz, founder & CEO of Womenpreneur Initiative, who will address the issue of women and technology, but through the eyes of a woman from the Middle East. For sure, these are highlighted speakers who are will inspire the ten winners, in addition to the whole audience.

What capacity does the audience have, how many people do you want to reach?

One of the reasons we have changed the location is to expand the capacity of attendees to the Conference. For this fourth edition we have a room that has a capacity for 300 people, and, as every year, we hope to fill it. All those who want to register can do it on our website www.hrconferencebarcelona.com

Original post at RRHH Digital

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Congrats Sylvia



