RRF - what's in a name
ECA special report 26/2023 - figure 9 - RRF performance monitoring and reporting

RRF - what's in a name

In our latest of the series of audit reports on the Recovery and Resilience Facility we find that it has weaknesses in its monitoring system that make it insufficient for measuring overall performance.

The RRF’s performance-monitoring structure is based on two main building blocks: milestones and targets for tracking member states’ progress on reforms and investments; and 14 predefined common indicators for monitoring success in achieving the RRF’s objectives. However, we find that these two monitoring elements are insufficient for assessing the RRF’s overall performance.

Although they help to track progress on making reforms and investments in the member states happen, milestones and targets are only steps in implementation (e.g. adopting a law, selecting projects, or signing contracts) and largely focus on what the projects finance (e.g. the number of people attending training, the number of square metres renovated, or the number of electric vehicles purchased), instead of measuring results (e.g. the number of people employed, savings in energy consumption, and a reduction in CO2 emissions). The vast majority of common indicators do not measure results either, and they will often not provide enough information on how projects on the ground contribute to the RRF’s general objectives.

In terms of data reported on milestones and targets, the Commission and member states have mostly adequate systems for ensuring quality. However, the auditors also found shortcomings, and stress that risks to data reliability remain, especially as regards those who ultimately receive funding. The Commission’s online scoreboard for the RRF, although user-friendly, is misleading in the way it presents the fund’s progress under the six pillars. As the Commission does not collect data on money spent in the member states, its reporting on the RRF is currently based on estimates. The auditors therefore call on the Commission to improve its reporting on the RRF, for example by collecting and reporting data on actual expenditure, and to devise a fully-fledged performance monitoring system for future non-cost-based funding instruments.

You can find the report here:


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