RPA scaling up and morphing into Cognitive Automation
Philippe Touati
Management Board | Corporate & Institutional Banking | Tech & Communications
We concluded #RPA conference orgnizaed by Clariden glocal. @belmond capital lead a Masterclass B Scaling From Traditional RPA to Cognitive Automation and did a presentation on Putting Cognitive RPA to Work with Unstructured Data.
The take away are:
- RPA is scaling up and getting mature
- RPA is starting to morph into Cognitive Automation integrating cognitive intelligence tools.
- The main use cases remain in Ops and Finance with productivity as main KPI
- Unstructured Data like invoices srta to be more and more integrated into the processes with the use of intelligent OCR and NLP tools
- This year we talked much more about governance compare to one year ago.
In term of implementation:
A- RPA has to be part of a broder change programme and communication on "why and what" should not underestimated. Tech guys seems to forget the soft stuff
B- RPAs skills need to be developped in the business, Ops and Finance not just IT
C- Any RPAs programme needs to go hands in hands with process mapping and engineering work. There seems to be a gap of process engeering skill sin companies.
Looking forward to next year RPA conference to see the progress made.