RPA for Marketers: The Power of Robotic Process Automation
When I first began working with software robots, I was impressed with their ability to provide real, tangible benefits for companies that implemented them to handle an endless list of repetitive, data-centered, digital tasks. Once I got my head around what the Buddha Botz our company creates can do, my eyes were opened to the equally endless list of the types of companies for which they can do it. It truly is hard to imagine an organization that could not benefit from the use of robotic process automation.
Delegating Marketing Tasks to Your Digital Workforce
Recently I had a conversation with Buddha Logic business partner and Boulder SEO Marketing President Chris Raulf about RPA for Marketers and how Buddha Botz can help marketers do their work more efficiently, effectively, and as a result more profitably.
Chris and I talked about some of the very practical uses of Buddha Botz and RPA for Marketers, like having one that helps you keep your client or prospect database “clean” and up to date. This helps you achieve a higher hit rate with your outreach efforts and land more business with less work.
We also discussed why having a software robot complete certain tasks is better for the company than having staff members work on them, including that:
- Software robots can complete tasks that might take a human worker hours or days in minutes or seconds, saving the company significant time and money.
- Software robots can complete simple operations with 100 percent accuracy, preventing the lost time associated with researching and correcting errors and the damage to a company’s reputation that can occur.
- Human workers who aren’t saddled with mundane tasks can address higher-level activities that contribute more to the company’s success.
Finally, Chris was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to get started on a robotic process automation initiative. Buddha Botz can be designed, tested and launched in matter of days or weeks rather than the months or years that many people assume it will take.
Imagine that… a task that will consume many hours of a staff member’s valuable time this week can be handed off to a software robot next week or the week after. And at that point, it is being executed with lightning speed and perfect accuracy, whenever you need it to be completed (day, night, weekend, holiday) and as often as you need it to be completed.
Learn What RPA for Marketers can do for You!
Many organizations that are capitalizing on the power of RPA today will tell you that they would have done it sooner but they weren’t sure if it was right for them and didn’t know how to determine if it was. Don’t let uncertainty stand between you and more efficient and profitable operations. Schedule a free 45-minute robotic process automation phone consultation by calling us at 303-807-6528 or visiting our Contact page. Whether you choose to pursue RPA today or not, you’ll have a better idea of what business process automation can do for you.
[I initially authored this article for the Buddha Logic Blog.]