RPA — The obscure guardian of Cyber Security System

RPA — The obscure guardian of Cyber Security System

Role of robotic process automation in reducing the cyber-security risk  

Robotic process automation (RPA) helps organizations to prevent cyber-security attacks and improves the cyber-security system by reducing the responsibility of manually performing various repetitive tasks.  

The Cyber-security refers to safeguarding the computer system or network from the various types of theft and damage to software, hardware, or electronic data.  

One of the most vital vulnerabilities of cyber-security is human interaction. Whether it is an error or deliberate mistake, humans display the highest rank of risk in a cyber-security system. So, eliminating social aspects from the cyber systems reduces the risk of cyber-security attacks and secures sensitive data. Automated update rollout and patching improve the cyber-security of the devices. 

Adopting robotic process automation reduces the attack detection and response time of the system, with the help of automated detection and alert notification. The robotic process automation helps cyber-security teams to bridge its talent shortage gap. It also limits the involvement of IT security pros and allows them to concentrate on high-cognitive tasks. 

Types of cyber-security system in robotic process automation

Network security

Network security involves various activities to protect the reliability, integrity, safety, and usability of the network. Adequate network security limits the attackers from entering the network.  

Some of the network security components used in the network security systems are as follows: 

Virtual Private Network (VPNs): VPNs provide secure remote access to the RPA BOTs. 

Anti-spyware and Anti-virus: anti-viruses and anti-spyware applications are used in RPA security to secure the system from various viruses and spyware cyber-attacks.  

Firewall: firewalls are used to blocks unauthorized access to the networks 

Intrusion prevention system (IPS): IPS is used to identify the various fast-spreading attacks such as zero-day or zero-hour attacks. 

Application security 

Application security involves measures and countermeasures used during the development life cycle. It helps to protect the system from attacks that occur due to flaws in the application design, deployment, development, maintenance, or upgrade. Various techniques used in the application security are user/role authentication and authorization, input parameter validation, auditing and logging, session management, parameter manipulation, and exception management. 

Disaster recovery   

Disaster recovery planning is a mechanism that involves various services or tasks such as establishing priorities, performing risk assessment, and developing recovery strategies in the case of an emergency. The organization will have concrete plans for disaster recovery. The robotic process automation restarts or resumes the regular business operation soon after the disaster. 

How robotic process automation (RPA) reduce cyber attacks  

Secure sensitive data: the artificial intelligence BOTS that are supported by the robotic process automation are capable of implementing general data protection regulation (GDPR), without affecting the information stream. The robotic process automation creates back-up copies of the crucial processes during the emergency shutdown. The RPA allows the users to access the information remotely. Multiple audit trails are allowed in robotic process automation, and robotic process automation is capable of recording the limited amount of data actions within a log. 

Bar phishing carried out by the cyber-criminals: the robotic process automation BOTS provides efficient security defense from various undesirable attacks or viruses. Boosting employee productivity and reducing errors are the activities that are carried out with the help of Robotic process automation.  

Access Certification: The RPA replaces the manual validation checks with the reviews, campaign checks, and precertification data. The use of Robotic process automation helps to increase the value of the system and reduces the time taken to complete an operation. 

Eliminate unauthorized access: Robotic process automation filters, unauthorized users from entering the system. Only users with specific credentials are allowed inside the system. The robotic process automation adds a layer of encryption for more secure data usage, which helps to prevent malware attacks. 

Data classification: the robotic process automation check for sensitive data stored in an unauthorized location, and later validates or removes the data. The confidential information is categorized so that that cognitive learning can refine the automated processes. 

Attack detection and remediation: the robotic process automation helps to capture threat intelligence. Fast-paced analysis of malware alerts helps to detect the attacks. BOTS selects relevant information bits and makes effective decisions about when and how to address the threats. 

Advantages of robotic process automation (RPA) in cyber-security  

Data analytics: artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques implemented in the robotic process automation helps to increase the analytical capabilities. That helps to provide accurate analysis of data and identifies various patterns. 

Data Collection: Data collection is more efficient and faster in RPA when compared to collecting data manually. The data collected by the robotic process automation has a lower error rate when compared to data collected by humans. 

Manual Work: most of the manual works are completed by RPA, which allows the staff to prioritize other essential tasks and duties. 

Automatic reporting: the robotic process automation allows an effortless collection of data and report creations. RPA enables the report to be scheduled, created, and sent automatically. If any unreasonable behaviour is found, alert messages are sent to the organizations automatically. 






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