‘Royal Orchidara Microcosm’
By Denis C.A. de Souza
1.0 Executive Summary
This brilliant business idea is to provide a unique experience and nature-based, ecological tourism solution to the following primary customers, consisting of high-end ecological tourists, who can be orchid-loving botanists, naturalists, ornithologists and adventure sports persons. So that this class of customers can come to sample first-hand, an unique plant/flower specie in all its natural glory and then study in detail and secured comfort, one of the largest plant species, besides other herbs, spices, medical plants, associated wildlife, inclusive of wild birds from the face of our planet, in a specially-crafted, ecological-friendly microcosm, themed upon the intriguing plant-life and exquisite flower family of the exotically coloured Orchids.
Our ecological project will be modelled like a miniature village in a secured, but pristine environment in complete, natural plant wild-life setting of eco-sphere atmosphere. Our unique, natural experience of plant study will be conducted under the expert guidance of our in-house Orchid Expert Guide for a highly, enriching experience of a first kind, along with supported reading/reference materials, inclusive of audio-video aids, and computer-enabled electronic information for our esteemed guests.
The ‘Wild Orchids Microcosm’ will also provide following business segments, within the one and same microcosm in a ten-in-one facility concept. These ten internal business segments : Wild Orchids Microcosm; Cleopatra Health Spa; Ayur-Man Natural Clinic; Emperor Ashoka History Tours; Jim Corbett Wild-Life Safaris; Nature Boy Hikes; Green Fingers Native Study Unit; Adventure Sports Unit and Micro Brewery – Healthy Natural Drinks and (10) Healthy Living Programme
An Adventure sports unit will be added later on for the actively
inclined. As self-explanatory, these seven internally business segments
will provide a wellness and a natural healing clinic, along with a history
hiking unit with a wildlife safaris conducting unit and ultimately, a nature study unit will follow, to complete the ecological project’s nature package. But our central attraction will remain exquisite, ‘The Wild Orchids Microcosm’, itself with its central theme of exotic Orchidara with more than nine hundred world famous Orchids types grown on the
premises of ‘Wild Orchids Microcosm.’
1.1 Objectives
The business objectives of the project is to provide an ecological solution to the local tourism problem, or lack of such eco facilities to cater to both Indian and Foreign tourists, and to profit from the same venture in a phrase-oriented manner, within a five year operational time frame and ultimately within a fifteen year plan.
enthusiast/conservationists, high-end tourists like nature lovers, mature senior executives and ornithologists. There will be a sports activities in the form of an adventure unit.
1.3 Keys to Success
Our key to success will be our unique selling proposition. It will provide unique ecological services to nature-oriented professionals, high end tourists, discerning executives and mature couples. And through these unique commercial offerings, we hope to profit most handsomely by charging a small premium.
2.0 Company Summary
The company will be established as a private limited liability partnership with key industry stakeholders with private equity participation, with start-up capital of twenty-seven crores with an office in a northern gateway city of India for administrative purpose, and a westerly location for marketing purposes, besides the high altitude location of the Wild Orchid Microcosm itself. The company will break even within five years time period, before expanding into other locales.
2.1 Company Ownership
The Wild Orchids Microcosm Plc will be a private company with the founders and his business-oriented family holding fifty-five share ownership with the angel investors, venture capitalists, key stakeholders & private equity owning thirty-six percent of the company’s share, with the rest nine percent equity to brought or given to trade partners and key employees.
2.2 Start-Up Summary
The company’s senior management will draw eco-friendly construction plans for the Wild Orchids Microcosm. The Wild Orchids Microcosm’s senior management is to start resort’s operational activities planning, as well development of advertising/marketing campaign in anticipation.
2.3 Company Locations and Facilities
Locations: The Wild Orchids Microcosm will have initially only one location in northern India for the entire Indian sub-Continent countries before venturing overseas locations after the first project has broken even.
Actual Locations :
The company will also have the following ten global locations:
1) Wyoming Peak, Wyoming, USA
2) Luxembourg, Europe, for the entire European Continent;
3) Masafi, Fujaireh U.A.E., for the entire Middle East region;
4) Fuzhou, China for the whole of China;
5) Hokkaido, Japan for the whole of Japan;
6) San Jose, Costa Rica for the whole of the South America;
7) Hobart, Tasmania for the entire Oceania.
8) Uttarchand State, India.
9) Cape Mountain, South Africa
10) Codwolds, United Kingdom.
Description of 1st Location:
Facilities :
1) Eco Resort, 2) Spa & Clinic, 3) Tours & Guided Trips, 4) Eco Products Company
3.0 Products
The Wild Orchids Microcosm Project will have the following products:
The Wild Orchids Microcosm; Cleopatra Spa and Ayur-Man Natural Clinic;
Emperor Ashoka Tours; Jim Corbett Safaris; Nature Boy Hikes & Green Fingers Native Studies; Sports Kings, Adventure Unit; and Pierre Faro Brewery.
3.1 Product Description
a) The Wild Orchids Microcosm : A teaching, studying and recreational ecological resort;
b) Cleopatra Spa & AyurMan Clinic : A wellness/health centre, and naturally healing clinic;
c) Emperor Ashoka Tours : A history-oriented touring unit;
d) Jim Corbett Safaris : A wildlife safaris unit;
e) Nature Boy Hikes : A nature hiking unit.
f) Green Fingers Native Studies : Native group study of herbs, plants, trees, seedlings, tissue cultures, etc.
g) Sports Kings : An Adventure Unit.
3.2 Competitive Comparison
3.2.1 A) Wild Orchid Microcosm Competitive Comparison
(A five to seven starred resort like Marriott)
a) Room Rate = US$500
b) Three Meals = US$500
c) Spa Facilities = US$150
d) Natural Healing Clinic = US$200
Wild Orchid Microcosm
a) Accommodation Types : Total (89 units)
1) Rooms (50 units)= US$500x50=US$25000
2) Cottages(25 units)= US$750x25=US$18,750
3) Family Suites (12 units)= 1000x12=US$12,000
4) Bungalows (2 units)= 5000x2=US$10,000
Daily Total =US $ 65,750
Note : Besides staying members, the microcosm will have paid visitors.
b) Four Organic Meals:
1) Breakfast : =
2) Lunch :
3) High Evening Tea :
4) Dinner :
5) Healthy Alcoholic Drinks :
c) Airport Pickup & Drop-off – Complementary
d) In-Resort Orchids Tours - Complementary
e) Company Gift Pack – Complimentary, on departure.
Wild Orchids Business Extensions: (5th Year)
1) Orchids horticulture business = To be decided
2) Exotic high prized fruits = tbd
Note : Products and services of the unit’s extensions are available to
‘The Wild Orchids Microcosm’ Club Members at a sheer discount
besides other Club feasibilities and privileges.
B1) Cleopatra Health Spa & Ayur-Man Clinic Comparison
(A Five Star Resort’s Spa offering)
Health Offering for a fortnight course.
Cleopatra Health Spa - (1st Year)
Costing as per treatment desired by guest.
Facilities consist of :
a)Full Body Massage, To be decided
a) Facials,
b) Specialized body treatment,
c) Thermal & Mud baths,
d) Stream Baths & Jacuzzi
3.2.1 B2) Natural Ayurvedic Clinic Comparison
Cleopatra Health Spa
Wellness Categories : (First Phrase)
1) Blood Purifier, 2) Vitamin Capsules,
3) Pain Massage Oil, 4) Anti-Wrinkle Cream,
5) Muscle Oilment, 6) Foot care Cream,
7) Facial Mud Pack, 8) Moistening Lotion.
Cleopatra Spa’s Business Extension : (5th Year)
1) Natural Health Drinks = To be decided
2) Wellness Products = tbd
Private Health Clinics Comparison
Small, unorganized natural healing city-based clinics
AyurMan Clinic - (1st Year)
Costing as per treatment.
Illnesses Treatments : (First Phrase)
01) Acidity, 02) Arthritis,
03) Constipation, 04) Depression,
05) Muscular Cramps, 06) Ulcers,
07) Falling Hair, 08) Gall Stones,
09) Herpes, 10) High Blood Pressure,
11) Kidney Stones, 12) Liver Problems,
13) Syphilis, 14) Rheumatism,
15) Tuberculosis.
AyurMan Clinic’s Business Extension : - (5th Year)
1) Ayurvedic teaching programme = To be decided
2) Paid Yoga Classes = tbd
C) Emperor Ashoka History Tours Comparison
(A Touring Company) per person
(Two weeks Package = tbd
Fortnight Stay - x 14 days = tbd
Three Meals = tbd
Touring Facilities = tbd
3.2.1 Emporer Ashoka History Tours – (2nd Year)
(14 days package = tbd
Wild Orchid Cottages = tbd
Four Organic Meals tbd
Tour Guide tbd
Transportation = tbd
Emperor Ashoka Business Extensions: - (5th Year)
1) Original, customed made Artefacts & Merchandises –
US$. 1,000 per piece with certificates & receipt.
2) Original, coloured History-based guide (Hard Cover)
book – US$.1,500 per book with autograph from the
company’s author.
D) Jim Corbett Safari Comparison
Government Wildlife Park - (Seven day Package)
Seven Stay = tbd
Three Meals = tbd
Govt facilities = tbd
Transportation = tbd
Package Cost = tbd
Jim Corbett Wildlife Safaris – (3rd Year)
(7 Days Safari Package) : per person
Wild Orchids Cottages = tbd
Four Organic Meals = tbd
Specialized Guides = tbd
Safaris itself = tbd
Transportation = tbd
Package Cost : = tbd
Jim Corbett Business Extensions : - (5th Year)
1) Native handicrafts/Artefacts – Rs. 1,000 per piece
2) Wild-life coffee-table-styled book – Rs.1,000 per book
E) Nature Boy Hikes/Green Finger Studies Comparison
No competition. New Concept.
Nature Boy Hikes – (4th Year)
(7 Days Package) : per person
Wild Orchids Cottages = tbd
Four Organic Meals = tbd
3.2 Competitive Comparison (Contd)
3.2.1 Nature Boy Hikes – (4th Year)
Specialized Guides = tbd
Highly Customized = tbd
Nature Hikes & Fishing Expeditions
Transportation = tbd
Package Cost : = tbd
Green Fingers Native Studies – (4th Year)
(7 Days Package) : per person
Wild Orchids Cottages = tbd
Four Organic Meals = tbd
Specialized Teacher/Guide = tbd
Highly Specialized
Study visits to : Costings to be decided,
a) Spice Gardens, but as per respective
b) Herb Country, destination)
c) High Grooves, ditto
d) Medical Plants, ditto
e) Flower Nurseries, ditto
f) Botanical Gardens. ditto
Transportation = tbd
Package Cost : = tbd
Green Fingers Business Extension - (5th Year)
1) Hard Cover Guide book :
a) Soft, hard woods = tbd
b) Fruit trees = tbd
c) Spices = tbd
d) Herbs/Medicinal Plants = tbd
Green Fingers Business Extensions: - (5th Year)
2) Selling of :
a) Grafted Fruit Trees = tbd
b) Daily Use Spices (1 kg) = tbd
c) Herbs/Medical Plants = tbd
d) Seedlings/Culture = tbd
F) Sports Kings : An Adventure Unit.
Average Cost of Sports Day = tbd
The following sports events will be entertained:
1) Rock Climbing, 4) Wind-Surfing,
2) White Water Rafting, 5) Boat Rides, etc.
3) Kayaking,