The Royal Albert Hall Hoarding Install
Back in May 2017, Concept Foundry undertook a large hoarding project for The Royal Albert Hall. We were commissioned to print and install over 100 dibond boards to replicate the surrounding Hall which would act as a cover for The Great Excavation - a project on the south-west side of the building for a new two-storey area.
On Sunday night just gone, on Mother's Day, I attended the Levellers concert at The Royal Albert Hall in London. The concert was part of a week of events supporting The Teenage Cancer Trust. The show was excellent and for an important cause, which Concept Foundry supports each year.
While I was there, I couldn't help but notice how good the 3-tier hoarding still looks after nearly two years!
The 3-tier hoarding was printed direct to the dibond panels then covered with an anti-graffiti lamination. The print and installation took three days to complete.
We produce multiple hoarding projects for construction companies, as well as building wraps and large banners for events. You can see more of our work here.