Roy Hunter - The Biography Chapter 2
Thank you for following my journey into the life of Roy Hunter. I finished the draft for chapter 2 where we delve into the common school education of Roy. Do you remember your elementary school education? What was your curriculum like? What were the books you studied? What impact did your elementary education have on your higher education and life? Did you know that once Roy took his first steps into the common schoolhouse in Londonderry Township, Ohio at age six, he would be spending the next 33 years of his life in academia before his employment with the National Bureau of Standards? In Chapter 2 you'll read about Roy's elementary education in the common school system in Ohio in the late 1800s. You will discover the curriculum that Roy studied that formed the foundations of his thought and moral character. You may also be surprised to realize that the common school education in rural Guernsey County was not inferior or backward but followed a rudimentary classical curriculum. You can test yourself with a sampling of test questions from six courses that the average pupil could answer after completing the elementary program. Here are two questions as teasers:
For Roy, the common school experience was inspirational. At age 14, Roy knew what he wanted to do and be. Roy wanted to be a teacher, and that is reserved for Chapter three.