‘Round Three’ the Battle of the Clouds (AWS vs Azure vs GCP)
Toby Wilman
Connecting people in technology | Scaling teams | Organiser, host & enthusiast of events and communities in tech | Amateur public speaker | Co-founder of Inara Talent
It’s been three weeks since ‘Round Three’ of The DevOps Battle Royale took place. What an evening it was, the turn out was great with over 70 people coming along on the night. We had some amazing speakers in the form of Steven Harper (Infinity Works), James Heggs (CLOS Consultancy) and Sherin Mathew (IBM & AI Tech Group North) talk to us about each of the leading cloud platforms GCP, AWS and Azure.
Each of our speakers provided us with some amazing product knowledge and it was obvious to see how passionate they all were about not just a single provider, but cloud computing in general, please see a link to the slides from the evening below.
As you probably expected, a high number of the attendees were currently working mainly with AWS, but it was very apparent that most had come with an open mind and were very keen to hear what each platform had to offer. After our technical talks provided the fuel to our fire, we broke off into groups and everyone got to discuss, deliberate and share their experiences / thoughts on each platform.
As usual with these events, there was plenty to talk about and I feel unless the time was called the groups could have been talking to the early hours. The groups then presented back to the community and it this point it was starting to show that even though the majority of engineers there were using AWS the groups were torn!!
Then for the first time ever we used our live voting app which drummed up the results on the big screen.
Undecided – 3rd place
Google Cloud – 2nd place
Azure – 2nd place
AWS – 1st place
So the champion on the night was AWS but it was very close with only 3 points separating our winner. I think/hope everyone was able to take away/learn something on the night about each platform which will help them moving forward.
It was a great event, which was made by having a fantastic community around us. Manchester really is a city which is buzzing in every corner and to watch the tech scene grow and meet all the amazing people in it is an absolute pleasure.
‘Round Four’ is incoming join the meetup group now for all updates. https://www.meetup.com/The-DevOps-Battle-Royale/
On a final note there has been a subject which has been brought up after each event which I would love to hear your thoughts on ... Diversity in DevOps. This is an area we are looking to address and already have ideas, talks and events in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled as #YouEqualTechNorth is coming soon. If you would like to hear more and perhaps get involved please get in touch.