Round Table on Biomass as a Key Component in German Energy Transition
Dr. Holger Streetz
CEO @Bathan AG | Specialty Lubricants | Decarbonization through Lubricants
On Friday 13th, Bill Reilly and Robert Gersdorf opened a round table at the #AXICA congress center at the #BrandenburgGate in #Berlin on biomass as a key component for the German #EnergyTransition. The event was hosted by #Enviva and #EEX. The following discussion with Prof. Daniela Thr?n, Prof. Klaus T?pfer and Hanns Koenig focused on Germany taking over the leading role in #GreenEnergy, again. Germany did so in the past with #solar but lost the advantage to China and other countries with stronger political ambitions for the energy transition. The podium pointed out that biomass has a high compatibility for power and heat #BaseLoad.
Klaus T?pfer emphasized #ClimateEngineering that started some 300 years ago in Saxony with the #mining administrator Hans Carl von Carlowitz. He published the first comprehensive treatise on #forestry. Furthermore, T?pfer pointed out the order of priority, where #nutrition tops everything, followed by #biodiversity and #biomass. Biomass takes such an important role, because of the technical development in biomass usage, its large potential and positive effect on #CO2 budget.
Daniela Thr?n highlighted that there are 10 million heating installations for biomass already in Germany and that thermal usage is dominating. However, there is still a lot of potential for #agricultural residues such as #straw and #WoodWaste.
Hanns Koenig then illustrated the point of view of a #trader and said that the standard for usage of any energy should be the total production cost, including environmental effects. He underlined that electric power has an alternating system value depending on the production time. Not only day and night make a difference, but also during the day there are peak loads that need covering. Biomass has a high usefulness with the energy transition because it can contribute to peak loads especially in #CHP plants.
The discussion went on about the #tradeoff between #efficiency and #sustainability. #Technology is a major driver as are power-to-X approaches and the globalization capacity on #RenewableEnergies such as the price degression of solar power. The question on #oceans as biomass suppliers was left open.
The following discussion with the audience brought up important topics such as the #PestInfection of European woods. Whereas, in the 60ies pests where local, now it has spread all over Europe at the same time. This should be a warning, just like the missing political steps towards co-firing in many European countries. The break-even gap of many renewable energies could be closed and more than compensated with a working CO2 price and according CO2 certificate trade. The #CarbonDept debate was only mentioned and left for the lunch tables to discuss. However, the conclusion was that #ClimateProtection should be ultimate goal for any actions.