Round Robin Rules
Imagine practising a Tennis game and wanting to distribute the chances equally among all the players in a single court or sharing an ice-cream bowl to three kids with a single spoon. Here is where 'taking turns' comes into picture and hence Round Robin Rules.
"Round Robin rules is a logical arrangement of choosing all elements in a group in some order, usually in a sequence and again starting from the first."
Round Robin & Salesforce :
Let us consider a common use-case in Salesforce, where leads and cases are distributed amongst the support teams in a regular rotational stream. A case or lead that comes in, is assigned to a user or a queue manually. This manual configuration can be achieved by a standard feature 'lead-case assignment'. However, it involves a manual process for the administrators to assign the cases/leads from an inactive/terminated user to an active user.
Round Robin Rules:
To overpower this manual process, Softsquare built the Round Robin Rules application that allows automatic assignment of leads and cases to the users. It also allows easy assignment of leads and cases from inactive/terminated users to specific individual users therefore reducing the time spent for identifying the records from terminated/inactive users and evenly distributing them among the active users or a Queue.
Round Robin application now helps our customers to easily assign/transfer leads and cases to any users in real time or on demand.
- Cases/Leads can be assigned to individual and multiple users in real time.
- Users can be configured based on queue.
- Records of the Inactive users can be assigned to active users.
- Automated assignment of cases/leads directly to particular users and the number of records to transfer can be quantified.
Round Robin Rules provides you with the ability to easily, evenly, accurately and automatically assign Cases, Contacts and Leads. Take the pain out of assigning records and make selling easy again!