Round 1 Reality Check

Round 1 Reality Check

Deadlines are out, and the countdown to Round 1 is on!

Harvard Business School has released their deadlines for the Class of 2027, sending MBA candidates into a frenzy with announcements of upcoming changes to the MBA essay prompt. (Will it become promptSthis year, with HBS breaking down their essay into multiple ones? Maybe!)

Before that, Columbia Business School, Yale SOM, INSEAD, UC-Berkeley Haas, and UCLA Anderson had already posted their admissions timelines.

And this week, Wharton, Stern, and Ross announced their deadlines too.

With 80 days until the first Round 1 MBA application deadlines, it’s crunch time, MBA hopeful!

This Sunday, I want to share with you what you should already have in place to be a strong R1 candidate. This is based on where your competition stands – and I know this well, as I'm already working with Round 1 candidates.

Here we go:

1.?Your resume should already be in excellent shape, ideally finalized. Remember, most?adcoms start your app review?with the resume!?

2. Your recommenders should be lined up and your to-do-list should include preparing a briefing document for them.?

3. Your?school engagement?should be under way and should not be surface level.

4. Ideally, you should have a competitive test score already. One of the biggest reasons candidates have to delay and submit in Round 2 is because they schedule the test close to the deadline and score lower than they hoped. Also, having your test scheduled too close to the deadline ends up eating up time and mental bandwidth that should be spent on the your application materials.

5. Your overall story should start to take shape. You should brainstorm and then start planning how your differentiation will be clearly and strategically communicated through all parts of the application.?

6. You should start brainstorming your?essays. They have to include strong examples of the?four stories MBA adcoms seek?in winning candidates.?

The biggest obstacle candidates face at this point is balancing all the moving parts of the MBA application process.?

Where are you in the process? Are you on track??

Onwards and upwards,


P.S. With zero exceptions, the most successful MBA candidates are the best prepared ones. Join me on June 27 to learn how to be a competitive MBA candidate in the 2024-2025 MBA Admissions Cycle. Preparation means understanding how MBA Admissions works and how the essence of candidates who gain admission to the most selective MBA programs has changed over the years. It's the investment with the highest ROI in the MBA Admissions race.

When the deadlines are out, it somehow becomes more concrete. I am loving the changes they made in the some of the essays already released.


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