Rough Draft :-) Books the Toolkit for Surviving Mindgames

Rough Draft :-) Books the Toolkit for Surviving Mindgames

Sometimes we have to leaf through the books and use the tactics. I haven't read lot of them. But I will love to read them.

Primes, Placebos and Nocebos

We think in associations. What do you associate with certain things affects you. It works through priming. You go to the market and you suddenly saw lots of old people. Unconsciously your speed become low, something starts aching and you don’t how? That is priming. Priming mostly doesn’t works when you know it is a prime. So say it is a prime. To understand what is a prime you need to look into patterns. However, you can’t know the primes always or you can’t say that is a prime in that particular situation. So what you will do?

  1. Change the associations- For example associate Old age with wisdom or with your uncle and aunt.

Suggested books

Influence and Pre-suasion by Robert cialdini - To understand the basics of mindgames. The mindgames basically works through your emotions.

Thinking fast and Slow by Daniel Kanheman - For understanding your biases

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman - To become normal again.

2) Future Self - Define your future self through letters to your future self.


Your future self by Hal Hershfield

3) Time Perspectives - Change your time perspectives. If they show you the future get into present perspective.

Suggested book

The Time Paradox by Philip Zimbardo - To change your time perspective

Time cure will be more suitable

4) Work on Willpower - Through Kelly Mcgonigal books. I love the particular technique surfing the Urge. Youtube video

Suggested book

The Upside of Stress by Kelly Mcgonigal

5) Use stress - Give meaning to stress

Suggested book - Upside of stress by Kelly Mcgonigal

6) Know yourself better - Self Awareness is the key

Suggested book - Know Thyself:- The Science of Self- Awareness by Stephen M Fleming

7) Control Your attention - If you have a goal you will miss lots of prime.

Suggested book -

Be Sherlock Holmes with Maria Konnikova . Her book Mastermind how to think like Sherlock Holmes and other books also.

8) Get stronger with your age - Strength is important

Suggested book - From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks

9) Microstresses - The small things in our life fuck us up.

Suggested book

The microstress Effect: How little things pile up and create big problems — and What to do about it by Rob Cross

Placebos and Nocebos

They work even when you know they are placebos and Nocebos. (Google). You have to look into mindset science. They work because you believe into it. Watch Dark Matter Twisted but true (Voodoo Episode and Skeleton Key)

  1. Use Rituals - Use rituals and never make them go away.Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless acts make life worth Living by Dimitris Xygalats
  2. Use Behavioural EconomicsSuggested book - Random acts of Medicine: The Hidden Focus that Sway Doctors, Impact Patients, and shape our health
  3. Use mindset Science - It can be as easier as reading a bookSuggested book: Mindset the new psychology of Success
  4. Mimetic Desire control - Know what we desire, how we desire and how not to get swayed by other peoples desire. Below books contain direct tacticsWanting: The power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life by Luke Burgis
  5. Antifragile - Become Antifragile, Don't chase Happiness, choose meaningYoutube


