And the Rough Book became...
Pleasure to present the #RFFBOOK right from
The series is called #TOCWAY and the central idea is the TOC Canvas (#TOCCanvas), an intuitive, elegant and simple 5 block framework for kickstarting biz transformation journey that is truly yours.
The first book of the series, Business Transformation Model (#TransformBiz and #BizTransformation) is in paperback as well as ebook format, respectively at:
Thanks to the dare devils who bared their intuition and experience to validate the #TOCCANVAS and are now running experiments at the next leg of TOCWAY Series. Check them at the base of; and also there on the homepage, get a free exhaustive preview of the book (better than limited preview available at amazon).
Remember that although we could so quickly assemble our rough books into this fair book, it is still a rough book. So it is not for everyone but for those who are ready to experiment and are comfortable with ambiguity and emerging ideas.
If u get a chance to read the book, do leave a message about your experience. We will need that for the second book of the series, and if wish, join the crazy team of co-creators.