Rouge Employees Can Be A Real Threat
Spencer Heckathorn
IT Security Expert & Founder of Techsico Information Technology | Empowering Businesses with Proactive, Secure IT Solutions | IT Guy for IT Guys
Processes, Deleted Customer Lists on and on...
Something that none of us want to hear, but it happens everyday somewhere someone steals, deletes, loses, or otherwise access data they should not. It is not always due to a rouge employee but that happens a lot, and comprises the majority of incidents I have seen at small to medium sized businesses, with those that have 2-40 really seeming to be a sweet spot. It's like before you are a cretin size it doesn’t happen. So you don't think about it and how to mitigate the risk.
(setup a google alert for "data breach") Sorry to all of those looking for some juicy bits it didn't happen here (fingers crossed), but I will tell you about where it did happen.
Take the data and Delete the email Rouge Employee in real life
One of our customers called in a panic about 3 years ago, an employee, that thought he saw greener pastures on the other side, took the companies complete customer list and deleted all of his emails upon leaving. This was devastating in many ways to the company. Not only was their customer list out "in the wild" but they could not finish the jobs and quotes and other support items that this guy had started. They had to email...
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