Rotten regulators (the Bar Standards Board and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries) and what needs to be done about them
Patrick John Lee
Setting up a new actuarial organisation and a student union for IFoA students. Software Architect, Data Scientist, Actuary.
The Bar Standards Board (BSB)
You will see below that the Bar Council admits that the BSB has lost the confidence of the profession and the public.
There are at least 4 cases where the BSB's behaviour towards barristers has been highly questionable.
BSB v Sarah Phillimore (SP)
Sarah is a family law barrister who (like the vast majority of women, and many men, including me) is gender critical, including the belief that sex is immutable.
She has faced repeated concerted attacks by trans rights activists, including reporting her to the police (who eventually agreed that the complaints had no merit) and the BSB.
Far from defending her against what clearly appear to have been politically motivated attacks, the BSB supported the trans rights activists (in the first of many instances of the BSB displaying bias).
The BSB initially complained about 27 tweets but after a response by SP reduced that list to 3. As SP demonstrated, it was impossible for members of the public to distinguish those 3 from the other 24. So the BSB's complaint was?ludicrous,?thereby bringing it?(and barristers by extension, since the BSB claims to act to protect their reputation)?into disrepute.
Furthermore the BSB eventually conceded that none of those 3 breached professional standards.
Ms Phillimore also credibly accuses the BSB of bias (something that other barristers also accuse it of, and supply credible evidence for):
"That such a case study would be presented by the BSB as a ‘helpful’ example is perhaps less of a mystery when I look at the questions asked regarding diversity and equality at the end of the consultation response which demonstrate quite clearly where the BSB finds itself in promotion of ‘gender identity’ ideology."
Allison Bailey (AB)
Allison is a black lesbian criminal defence barrister who is also gender critical. After tweeting in support of the LGB Alliance, like SP, she also faced concerted attacks by political opponents, including Stonewall and barristers within her own chambers, Garden Court (GCC). An employment tribunal ruled last year that GCC had discriminated against her.
Her witness statement shows that the BSB displayed bias, a disregard for conflicts of interest, poor judgement, and an astonishing view (that lesbians who objected to having sex with trans women were as morally at fault as white rugby players who refused to allow black players into apartheid era South African rugby!) in the role it played in the case:
From Allison Bailey's witness statement (the numbers below refer to numbered paragraphs in? , the BSB seem to have taken no action against Prof [X] (who made comments that GC women found offensive) despite AB complaining about them to [Y], who is a member of the BSB Board. In contrast [Y] said AB's comments definitely breached BSB! (which turned out to be wrong).
546 "It was not until I read the Subject Access Request that I realised the full significance of the 14 December 2018 protected act. I realised at that point that it had led to the downturn in work I had received in 2019. Prior to that, I had known that I had received some pushback (including mainly from MB) and I had been aware of the hostility [Y] had shown me when I complained about [X]. "
331: GCC barrister who is also on BSB Board queries whether AB has breached BSB code: "At 08:28 on 24 October 2019 (Bundle Page 2017), [Y] wrote to the other two Heads of Chambers, the chief Executive and member of the communications team about me. He queried whether I had breached the BSB Code (he was a board member of the BSB) and whether I had unlawfully discriminated against any person. He had not read my tweets."
341: GCC barrister and BSB Board member making inaccurate/incorrect statements without evidence: "[Y] followed that up four minutes later at 13:15 by expressing concern that “this is damaging to our reputation” and asking whether he could confirm that they were investigating a complaint. He stated that “the suggestion that she may have breached the equalities Act [sic] is very serious” (Bundle Page 2059). I had not breached the Equality Act and it should have taken no more than a moment’s consideration to make this clear, as it is obvious that the Equality Act is not breached by comments on a matter of public interest on Twitter that have no bearing on any relationship covered by the Act or on any individual. However, the kneejerk reaction from Heads of Chambers was to lend immediate credence to this allegation, and respond to it by issuing a public statement about me, to which I return below. I do not believe that this would have happened had I not been gender critical and expressing my beliefs about sex, gender and the Stonewall agenda."
361 [Y] (BSB Board member) remaining involved in the process, despite clear conflict of interest/prejudice to AB's position in the event of her having to defend a complaint from BSB:
In that email, I also asked that [Y] should recuse himself, given his role on the BSB (Bundle Page 622-3). TB had raised this with me already (paragraph (339) above) and I was worried about it. I wrote: “Anything that is said in this process that BSB board members are involved in could prejudice any complaint I have to defend before the BSB. No discourtesy to him or anyone else is intended or implied”.
362 ([Y], a QC and BSB Board member - incorrectly as it turned out - prejudged the outcome of a potential BSB investigation, without AB having had any opportunity to defend herself)
The BSB also seemed not to care about conflicts of interest here.
"As set out below though, he continued to be involved, despite the ostensible position taken by Garden Court that he had recused himself. The other Heads of Chambers continued to keep him copied into correspondence (for example at Bundle Page 2121, but also generally). On 4 November 2019, he called MS to tell her that “of course” my actions were a breach of the BSB Code, a question that had been explicitly put to him by SH in his capacity as a member of the BSB Board (Bundle Page 2545). This was precisely the kind of conflict that I was seeking to avoid when I asked [Y] to recuse himself, which he understood when he agreed to do so."
In the course of the Allison Bailey v Stonewall and Garden Court Chambers case, CMcG (former Vice Chair of the Bar Council's ethics committee, and put forward by the BSB to provide GCC with an opinion on Ms Bailey's tweets - again without asking Ms Bailey for her response! Although this seems to be more GCC's fault than CMcG's) infamously compared the general reluctance of lesbians to have sex with transwomen (the "cotton ceiling") to racism in South Africa under apartheid! (see?
Dinah Rose KC (DR)
Political activists objected to DR acting for the Cayman Islands in a case about same-sex marriage legislation (see?
The BSB had to apologise (twice) because of the poor way it had treated Ms Rose. As with Allison Bailey, it displayed prejudice and bias by only listening to one side of the story (see?, emphasis added ):
The Bar Standards Board has taken no regulatory action against Dinah Rose KC, and has made no ruling against her.?We apologise to Ms Rose if this has not been made sufficiently clear. The letter quoted in The Times did not include any discussion of rC28, as the report received referred to another rule in the Handbook. The BSB accepts that both are relevant. In any event the BSB did not find Ms Rose to have been “reckless” or to have acted inappropriately. The BSB accepts that, before reviewing its original decision and in the circumstances of this case,?it would have been appropriate to have invited Ms Rose to comment on the review. It apologises to Ms Rose for its failure to do so, and has commenced a review of its processes for the future.
This led to this stinging criticism of the BSB (see, emphasis added)
“The BSB’s handling of the complaint against Dinah Rose was unacceptable and inexcusable. It is?inconsistent with the fundamental principles of fairness?to ever issue a decision document to a complainant which is critical of a barrister without providing the barrister with an opportunity to be heard or to comment.
“The BSB is failing to meet its performance indicators for the exercise of its regulatory functions. It is dealing with cases much too slowly. The BSB must now concentrate on its core responsibility of investigating allegations of professional misconduct in a timely and accurate manner, and?do so in a way that conforms to the elementary principles of natural justice which were overlooked in this case.
“The BSB has undertaken to review its own processes.?This must be a transparent and ‘root and branch’ review of process if the BSB is to regain the confidence of the profession and the public.”
Jon Holbrook (JH)
In yet another case where the BSB took sides in online political disputes, the BSB first acted irregularly (breaching its own rules about confidentiality), see?
The BSB then tried to avoid having to justify in public its decision to sanction a perfectly reasonable tweet. (The tweet defended freedom of speech against an Islamist who -in the context of a history teacher having just been beheaded - was making the implicit threat that civil war would happen in France unless Charlie Hebdo was shut down. Charlie Hedbo is the magazine at which 12 members of staff were murdered by terrorists, 11 people were injured, and 4 Jewish people were shortly afterwards murdered at a nearby supermarket.)
The BSB quite rightly lost that fight (to keep the public away from the hearing) and then (again quite rightly) lost the appeal and Mr Holbrook was vindicated - for a second time, in fact arguably for a third time given the BSB's attempt to keep the hearing secret.
JH is now suing the BSB , see? discrimination and harassment.
He sets out further credible accusations of bias by the BSB:
They started following his personal Twitter account, but not his professional account.
Since 2019 the BSB has supported the celebration of "Pride", a political movement.
The BSB have published numerous documents that address the issue of Diversity, as it arises under the UK Equality Act, but not a single one that recognises "philosophical belief" as a protected characteristic.
The BSB Board member involved in the Allison Bailey case played an active role in Mr Holbrook being expelled from his Chambers (unfairly, because the tweet complained about - "stroppy teenager of colour"- was found by the BSB not to have breached any rules). The BSB said that the Board member's actions were ok because he had acted in a personal capacity: once again, the BSB showed a lack of respect for conflicts of interest. As Mr Holbrook points out, this was also double standards by the BSB: they exonerated their Board member because he had acted in a personal capacity, but brought a complaint against Mr Holbrook, who was also acting in a personal capacity.
The BSB took action against Jon Holbrook, Allison Bailey, Joanna Toch, Sarah Phillimore, and mistreated Dinah Rose but there is no evidence of the BSB taking similar action against anyone of a left-wing or woke persuasion.
Mr Holbrook's case (bolstered by the BSB's defeats -twice - in its complaints against him, and by its climbdown against Sarah Phillimore), is that the BSB misstated the law in its Social Media Guidance of 2019 to 2022. In 2022, the BSB was forced - as a result of Mr Holbrook's successful appeal against it, see paragraphs 45 and 46 of? to issue revised guidance that complied with the actual law, as opposed to the BSB's previous - clearly faulty - interpretation of the law.
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (FoA)
The IFoA:
Has defended (and continues to defend) wife beating, Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, sexual slavery (and hence rape) against criticism. (By claiming - in a disciplinary case that it is pursuing against me, that is remarkably similar to the one that the BSB lost against Mr Holbrook - that such criticisms, although made in a personal capacity, fail to "show respect for others").
As a result is a hostile environment for girls/women, ex Muslims, Jews, Christians, free thinkers, humanists and atheists.
Has been misleading students, employers and universities for years about how long students take to complete its exams, and hiding that a very high proportion (at least 30%) dropout (never complete the exams) (see?
Turned a blind eye to plagiarism in its own magazine (see?
Says it is too busy to respond about allegations of widespread cheating in its exams (
Boasts about having improved its website, when the said website still has a terrible search facility and repeatedly crashes on exam results (and even booking) days.
Misled its members in its recent consultation about proposed changes to its Actuaries' Code (see?
Has repeatedly refused to be transparent about how it operates its exam system, thus amplifying suspicions that it operates a hidden quota system.
Removed integrity from its list of values. (In the light of the above, I have to say: "this really shows".)
What can be done about such regulators?
What can be done about such regulators, whose behaviour is clearly letting down not just the professionals they claim to sit in judgment over, but the public?
As can be seen both from:
? the BSB's reluctance to defend its policies in public (as in their failed attempt to get Mr Holbrook's appeal hearing to be held in private), and
? the IFoA's proposed change to its disciplinary process (under which accused actuaries may not publish any details of the accusations against them * - the very policy which led to such a miscarriage of justice in the Post Office scandal, in which at least 555 convictions were declared unsafe or unlawful - had the victims known that so many were accused, the true reason for the problem: software errors would have been very obvious. See?
a large part of the solution has to be exposing the regulator's dubious behaviour in public forums. As is commonly said:
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
[Note *: quite frankly, the IFoA's gagging order on future accused members is appalling, and IFoA members were very misguided in not asking the IFoA to remove this during the vote last year.]
Given that there is a significant power imbalance between the BSB and barristers, and the IFoA and actuaries, most of the work of speaking up (incidentally a professional responsibility for actuaries, but one which the IFoA signally fails to follow itself) falls to members of the public. That can of course include actuaries (and other non barristers) speaking up on behalf of barristers, and barristers (and other non IFoA members) speaking up on behalf of IFoA members.
I echo the Chair of the Bar's stinging criticism of the BSB:?what are they going to do to regain the confidence of the profession and the public?
And (as a former member of the IFoA):?what will the IFoA do to address the above criticisms?
If you agree that these regulators are behaving poorly, please join me in calling publicly for significant and credible improvement. If not, please explain why.
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8 个月. . . The (British) Bar Standards Board (BSB) Should Also Give Appropriate (Mass Media) Publicity To Those BSB "UK Regulatory Matters" Which (Directly) Relate To Those Unregistered UK Barristers Who Are Also Retired UK (British) Judges - Many Of Who Are Still (Actively) Working As Unregistered UK Barristers (Within Registered UK Chambers) WITHOUT ANY ANNUAL BSB PRACTISING CERTIFICATES (WHATSOEVER) - AND WITHOUT MUCH (BSB) SCRUTINY . . . . . . I Certainly (Do) Hope (And Pray) That The (UK) Bar Standards Board (BSB) Will Not Continue To Give So Much "Special Treatment" To Such ("Relatively Untouchable") Retired (British) Judges . . . . . . A Typical Example Has Been (Dutifully) Provided (Below) - For The Urgent Attention Of The Governing Council Of The Bar Standards Board (BSB) . . .