“Rote Prayer v. Voluntary Prayer,” by Andrew J. Schatkin
“Rote Prayer v. Voluntary Prayer,” by Andrew J. Schatkin
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to consider the issue of rote prayer as opposed to voluntary prayer. Jesus says to all of humanity who he gave up his life for and suffered on the cross, it is your choice, and it is your freedom of choice. He says, despite giving up my life and enduring great suffering for you all, I give all men and women to accept or decline my love and offer of eternal life and the joy and gift of salvation forever with all the saints angels and archangels and all the company of heaven. And so, when we pray and reach out to Jesus and the holy trinity, our prayer must come from our hearts and the depths of our souls and spirits. There is no substitute. When we pray, god and Jesus look at our hearts and minds and souls and mechanical rote repetition fails and, as not coming from our sincere being, and as not coming from our human nature, do not reach the eternal god and savior and redeemer of humanity who wishes to hear and understand us in this love; and a rote mechanistic prayer as not coming from the person who god loves and created is not a relationship of love and is not based on love. God is love and seeks for his creation a relationship based on love and prayer only reaches god in love and god hears that prayer as only coming from his creation whether man or woman when all is heard and based on love. Unthought out repetition cements and brings no love from the person who is praying or from Jesus, who is not being spoken to from the love in that person's soul.