Rossendale Punters Club Ratings
17:00 Kempton Ratings
127 Happy Hadeda
87 Newsreader
86 Mr Baloo
78 Top Secret
70 Accidental Agent
69 Smart Hero
64 Power Over Me
63 Giorgio M
60 Under The Twilight
58 Red Maids
54 Giant
42 Rizg
40 Completed
38 Reidh
Form Guide
Happy Hadeda: Shows course and going form, a good turn of speed, and is a distance winner. Placed 1st over 7f at Kempton c/d 4 off 3lbs less, well-drawn, 100%+£7 on the all-weather.
Newsreader: Has course and going form, demonstrated good speed, and is consistent with the form and the going. Ran over 8f last time in class 5 at Kempton, is down in distance today, and also runs off 3lbs less, each-way bet recommended.
Mr Baloo: Placed 1st at Kempton over 7f in class 4, carrying 1lb less, each-way bet recommended.