Rossendale Punters Club Ratings
14.55 Musselburgh Ratings 18th December.
94 Deep Charm
81 Dr Shirocco
67 Getthepot
67 Not The Chablis
67 So They Say
66 Sputnik
56 West Lawn
50 Get With It
47 Shadows In The Sky
45 Tumbling Dice
Ingleby Mackenzie36
Coolkill 18
Form Guide
Deep Charm 1st off 5lbs at Sedgefield, win saver
Dr Shiococoo 1st over c/d off 3lbs less. win
Getthepot 2nd off 1lb less at Exeter. e/w
Not a Chablis 1st over c/d off 1lbs. e/w