Rossendale Punters Club Ratings
19.05?Hamilton Ratings
Rock Melody 115
paws for thought 110
Another barr 98
Illusianist 75
Autumn Festive 96
Fools Rush in 70
Hyperfocus 87
Bay Breeze 81
Chairmanoftheboard 79
Ramon Di loria 63
Gis A Sub 62
Khunan 60
Jump the Gun 44
Form Guide
Rock Melody?+£10 23% on the turf, 3rd off the same mark at Newmarket 5f gd/sft, up in distance and class,?Win saver?E/w
Paws For Thoughts 1st at Haydock good class 4, on last winning mark at Ayr class 3, 6f?Win saver e/w
Another Baar 33% +£4 On the turf, 3rd off same mark at Newmarket 5f gd/sft. up in class e/w
Ilusionist 3rd off the same mark at Ayr over 6f gd/sft class 3, 1st also at York off 2lbs higher class 2 gd/sft. Win saver.