Rossendale Punters Club Ratings 13.30 Chester
5th May Chester 5f Class 2
Night On earth????????137
Look out Louis????????114
Sunday Sovereign????????102
King Of Stars????????92
Count D`Orsay????????87
Alligator Alley????????71
Soul Seeker????????64
Form Guide
Night On Earth 3rd last time Newmarket Class 2?off the same mark. e/w
Look Out Louis: 18%+£2 on the turf, well drawn, 3rd off the same mark?Newcastle Class 3 5f.?Win saver
Militia?is a key horse of mine, 22% +10 on the turf, 3rd last time of 1lb lower class 3 sft,?Plum draw in stall 1.?e/w saver
Bossipop: is also?a key horse of mine, 2nd at Musselburgh last time off the same mark class 4 good, up in class.?e/w outsider.