Rosie the Recovered
Joseph Jaffe
CMO, Professional EOS Implementer? at EOS Worldwide, Host of "Joseph Jaffe is not Famous", The Daily Show for Business | Coaching, Teaching, Building Bridges between Business and Future Growth
Let’s address the elephant or donkey in the room off the bat (pun not intended.)
- In order to get ourselves out of this mess, we’ll need to be very clear about a strategy moving forward and in particular, being 100% aligned on priorities.
- It’s not EITHER/OR but AND when it comes to the Economic versus Saving Lives arguments. We need to save lives and we need to figure out how to avoid plunging into a recession or worse yet, a depression.
This opinion piece deals with both and attempts to create a bridge between the two.
A bridge that is built using an unusual material or unexpected ingredient: STIGMA and an objective of how we can turn the negative stigma of being sick (contracting the virus) into a positive (recovering from the virus.)
At this point, I think most (but not all) people realize that contracting COVID-19 up until this point in time is really no one’s fault, provided people are staying at home, practicing social distancing and keeping up a disciplined hygiene regimen.
These are all critical ingredients in ensuring that we flatten the curve.
Whereas many countries like India, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the list goes on, have instituted either shelter in place or a full lockdown, the United States has thus far adopted a bizarro "let the states decide for themselves."
As recently as a few days ago, New York State was pleading for all people leaving - or rather fleeing - for greener pastures to self-quarantine for 14 days. An honor code is simply not good enough, especially when:
- 3 out of every 4 people who contracted the virus in China got it from people who did not know they were symptomatic at the time
- The ridiculously stupid Spring Breakers and similar younger Millennials or Gen Z'ers who believe they are immune
- The mainstream media continues to be undercut and undermined as spreading fake news and as a result, many citizens still do not believe in the severity of this global pandemic
And there's something else: coming forward publicly and essentially “coming out†by admitting testing positive for COVID-19 still carries a stigma. Asian Americans are currently maligned and being prejudiced against. Being socially ostracized via social media is real.
So this might make sense in theory, but many people are private. Introverted. And yes, embarrassed.
Many have been vilified by local newspapers, townsfolk bearing pitchforks and fearful neighbors who believe they have the right to judge just because they are members of a message board. It has been shameful!
Instead of taking the spotlight OFF these people, I'd like to shine it ON these people, but with a VERY different, positive lens or filter!
As a marketer, I look towards my area of expertise for a solution and so here is one: I believe it’s time to brand – yes brand – those who have made it through and recovered. In fact, let’s call them #therecovered.
If it sounds like a page out of Hollywood or specifically HBO’s The Leftovers, it might. If it sounds like science-fiction, well I’m sorry to tell you that we’re living in it right now. Truth is not stranger than fiction. Truth is non-fiction right now.
The recovered represent a small but growing meaningful group.
The recovered could save our economy.
The recovered could be put to work and not only earn a much needed income for their families, but more importantly, help keep the wheels of the economy moving.
Just like in war times, volunteers would be sewing, building, checking people out of supermarkets, riveting. Yes, riveting.
Remember Rosie the Riveter?
Well, meet the new and improved version. I’d like to introduce you to Rosie the Recovered!
We will win this war if we can make sure hope, patriotism, patience (stay at home) and self-sacrifice trump fear, selfishness, partisan politics and pessimism.
At this point, I’m on the fence whether this would be voluntary or even mandatory: desperate times call for desperate measures to be sure.
The defense production act has been enacted and so perhaps it's time to activate the offense productivity act!
The execution of this could easily be worked out collaboratively with the recruitment and startup community, in conjunction with the authorities. From job listings to on the job training or retraining to compensation, it’s all possible.
If you are a recovered, show your face! Stand up. Be proud. ROAR! Step up. Lead us from the abyss into the future. We believe in you. We are counting on you. We need you. We love you.
Our history is stained by periods in time like the Holocaust where people had to wear a yellow star or pink triangle to identify themselves and be humiliated in the process. Let's rewrite the history books by branding the recovered - literally - with a symbol of hope, strength, determination and health. A patch. A logo. A physical sign that says: we recovered and we are here to ensure you do too!
#WAITT (We’re all in this together)