Rosh Chodesh! Happy Lunar New Year! Happy New Moon of Shevat.
Diana Marquez Davila
I help businesses solve complex problems with simple tactics. Evolution starts here.
I have a personal motto:
Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better. D.Marquez
And beyond the personal work that's needed, I know I wouldn't be able to do it without the support of the tools and energy available to all of us.
And with that:
Welcome to the month of change and revolution!
Every 28 days we have a new moon.
It marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle; more precisely, the 29.5-day period between one new moon and the next.
Learning about quantum jumping, I came across a deeper understanding of the moon and the power of the new moon.
The new moon phase is the time when the moon is not visible in the sky. This occurs because the illuminated side of the moon is facing away from Earth, and the side that is visible is not illuminated by the sun.
During this phase, the moon's gravitational pull is weaker, resulting in weaker tides.
It is considered a good time to plant crops, begin new projects, and make plans for the future during a new moon phase.
Astrologically, the new moon represents new beginnings, new opportunities, and new ideas.
Consciousness is everything.
I find the "concept" of how we create the world, our world as we begin to SEE, deeply inspiring.
Belief is the mental acceptance of something as being true.
It is just as important to me now to harness the energy of a new moon as it is to recognize the power of a new lunar year.
During a new moon, the moon's energy is at its highest and most powerful. This is a great time to set intentions, focus on goals, and increase your motivation.
It can also help bring luck and abundance your way.
So, besides wishing everyone a Happy New Lunar Year, I want to share some of what I have started to SEE, hoping it will benefit you!
New Moon of Shevat - aka Aquarius.
In Kabbalah, the new moon has spiritual significance as it marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle.
The Kabbalists believe that the new moon is a powerful time for personal and spiritual growth.
They also believe that the energy of the new moon can be harnessed for spiritual purposes.
Aquarius is associated with humility and to reflect on the need to let go of ego and attachments.
In other words, it is a month of seizing opportunities. This month will fly by very quickly, and be filled with blessings that can be disguised as challenges.
Do you know the story of the Chinese farmer?
The waxing of the New Moon.
During the waxing phase of the new moon, the illuminated portion of the moon as seen from Earth gradually increases.
This phase starts on the day of the new moon, when the moon is not visible in the sky. It lasts until the first quarter moon, which marks the halfway point between the new moon and the full moon.
As the moon orbits the Earth, the illuminated portion of the moon as seen from Earth increases, creating the appearance of a "waxing" crescent moon in the sky. The crescent moon will appear to be "growing" larger each night as the illuminated portion of the moon becomes more visible.
Astronomically speaking, during the waxing phase of the new moon, the angle between the sun, Earth, and moon is increasing.
This means that the illuminated portion of the moon as seen from Earth is also increasing. This phase is also known as the "waxing crescent" phase, and it lasts for about a week.
This phase is also associated with the element of water, which symbolizes emotion, intuition, and the subconscious.
It has an effect not only on your daily life but on your consciousness as well.
The power of the new moon enhances everything.
People are better and there are also bad people are worse.
This is why I think we need to intentionally dedicate our energy to grow and be better, to bring more good into the world.
Comedy segment on humanity :) by Sofia Ni?o de Rivera!
The energy of a new lunar year offers us an opportunity to start anew.
No matter what hardships or successes we may have experienced in the previous year, this moment is a chance to bring clarity and abundance into our lives.
Now, let's pause.
This is possible AT ANY MOMENT.
We can, and I believe deeply, we will be supported if we ask for help, to learn better, to understand better, to grow and to fulfill our purpose - and with that, to bring abundance and wealth to ourselves and others.
At any time.
This is just a moment when it will be easier, we will flow better, the resistance will be less if we stay humble and open.
Making the most of this unique moment involves creating rituals that honor its power.
Setting aside dedicated time each day to practice mindfulness (meditation, journaling etc.) will help you stay grounded amidst all the changes happening around you in life.
Additionally, investing in self-care activities such as exercise and healthy eating habits will ensure that your body has enough energy and stamina for achieving your goals.
Finally, try dedicating some of your free time towards activities that bring joy - whether it’s taking up a hobby or simply spending more quality time with family and friends - as doing so will help keep spirits high while keeping motivation levels high too!
As we embrace this special moment in time, let us remember one thing: seizing opportunities like these is what leads to real growth and transformation in our lives!
So take advantage of this fresh start that the new moon has offered us; welcome it with open arms because with it comes renewal, inspiration, hope…and joy!
A new moon is symbolic of beginnings; it's an opportunity to plant seeds of intention for what lies ahead in life.
I wish you all a wonderful year of the rabbit, and an amazing month of Shevat!