"Roseanne" Returns to ABC
The TV series "Roseanne" is back on the air and every actor nailed their character in the season's first episode which debuted last night (3/27/18) on ABC.
By the second half of the show, I was hooked. Everyone rolled smoothly into their character, as though the show had simply continued from last week.
My favorite scene was when Roseanne and Darlene hugged on the couch which led to Darlene's sobbing real tears.The script addressed most of the questions that have lingered since the original show ended, such as Mark's actual death, Dan's resurrection and how to deal with the two people who played Becky. Each situation was addressed in context and the writers used the "fourth wall" to bring the audience into the answer. Hidden in the script is the actual Facebook pseudonym used by the star. See if you can find it.
The script tackles the attitudes of working class people by jumping into the politics of a divided America. The Trump vs anti Trump voter sentiment is the source of constant friction between Roseanne and sister Jackie.
Here is a bit of trivia. The Conner's famous living room couch was donated to the Smithsonian when the original series ended and they refused to allow it to be used for the new show.
I became acquainted with Roseanne during the years that KCAA produced her weekly radio show. During one conversation, I asked her how it feels to become so damn rich and famous. She said, "Fred, all it does is add another zero or two to every problem.