Rose Litigation Lawyers May News
Rose Litigation Lawyers
Remarkable outcomes for your dispute or legal problem
Trial by Social Media - Depp v Heard
The defamation trial between Hollywood stars, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has taken social media by storm. You might have seen the fiasco play out in real time if you have been watching the courtroom livestream or maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of the testimony on social media platforms such as TikTok.
Regardless of whether you are watching or not, the trial has fascinated many fans as intimate details of the couple’s relationship are being exposed to the world.
But the million-dollar questions (or in Depp’s case, the fifty-million-dollar question) on everyone’s lips are:
????1. Did Heard defame Depp?; and
????2. Will Depp ultimately be successful in establishing that his
??????reputation has been ruined?
Depp v Heard
The Depp v Heard trial concerns a?2018 op-ed publication?written by Heard that was published in The Washington Post (“the op-ed publication”). Although the op-ed publication did not specifically name Depp, Heard described her experience with sexual violence and physical abuse. The relevant statements contained within the publication which Depp’s team submit could be reasonably implied to be referring to Depp include:...
Directors Beware!
In an effort to deal with the unprecedented disruption caused to businesses by the onset of the COVID pandemic, many (well publicised) measures were implemented by both State and Federal Governments to assist businesses survive, and therefore keep people employed. The majority of those measures (jobkeeper/cashflow boost/statutory rent relief /etc) have long since been phased out.
Historically, the ATO has been the creditor with the highest number of Court winding up and bankruptcy applications. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, and consistent with the above assistance measures, the ATO’s debt collection/recovery activity on overdue taxes (all but) ground to a halt.
This position, however, has changed and the ATO has commenced the first steps in the collection of overdue tax debts. In April of this year, it was reported that the ATO was in the process of issuing letters to company directors advising (warning) them of intended action (including issuing director penalty notices (DPNs) (see our previous articles on DPNs)) and encouraging them to get professional advice and take action...
Queensland Legal Walk 2022 – LawRight
On Tuesday 17 May our Brisbane office hit the pavement bright and early to partake in the annual Queensland Legal Walk in support of LawRight and to celebrate the power of Pro Bono legal work. The walk took the team, and the huge crowd alongside them, through the city on George Street, across the Goodwill Bridge, along the sunny Brisbane waterfront at Southbank and back to the Queensland Supreme Court Courtyard (just under 5km’s!).
This year, the Queensland Legal walk was in support of LawRight’s access to justice programs:
????- Magistrates Court service for self-represented litigants; and,
????- Financial counsellor service for people experiencing or at risk
?????of homelessness.
We are so proud to be able to support LawRight and celebrate the legal profession’s commitment to access to justice.
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