RORO Ferry Ship for Sale - 1992
Price USD1.5 million. Try USD1.35
Vessel can be inspected in Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan.
RoRo ferry
Built on May 1992 (28 Years Old) at Fujiwara shipbuilding, Ehime
JG coastal
Gross 616 gross tons
Loa 66 M
Beam 12.8 M
Depth 6.8 M
503 dwt on 6.38 M draft
M/E Daihatsu 2000 ps x2
Speed abt 14 knots
Cpp propellers x 2
Pax?200/300 floor mat
12 M long x 9 units
8 M long?x 13 units
5 M long x 42 units
3F Bridge 船橋 Captein &Chief Officer Room
3F Passenger Floor
2F Passenger Floor
1F cargo deck clear height max H=3.8m
Grup Deniz Ltd. / Istanbul
4 个月Gdy Gerard Regarding ropax 1992 Is small vsl still available ? If it's in your hands, can you adv ss date. and more details. Thks&bdgs/ismail [email protected]