The Roots of Recipe Writing
Working in recipe and menu development for many years, I have learned that not all recipes are created equal.? You may not care about the quality of a recipe if you are preparing for home use, but when cooking for a group of customers, it is crucial to have a quality, standardized recipe. There are, at a minimum, 3 must haves:
A stated serving size.? Have you ever noticed that many of the recipes that you find tell you how many people the recipe serves and even provide nutritional information per serving, but they often don’t tell you the serving size?? For some recipes, like a sandwich it may be obvious.? But for other things, like soup, how much do you ladle into your bowl?? It may not be a focus when preparing home meals, but if nutritional intake is important, it is crucial that a recipe states how much to serve.
Yield or Quantity.? Most recipes provide how many people can be served.? This is important for forecasting, purchasing and production, all elements that go into controlling food costs.? And in a time where we continue to see food prices increasing, this is even more important.??
Measurable ingredient amounts.? As home cooks, we may sprinkle a pinch of this or a little of that into a dish, not necessarily taking the time to accurately measure every ingredient.? But again, when nutrition content is a focus, it is immensely important to measure.? The smallest amount of salt, sugar, butter, etc. can impact the nutrition, the flavor profile or outcome.? Measuring ingredients allows the recipe to be prepared the exact same way every time, no matter who is preparing it, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction.
There are other considerations that go into a well-written recipe, such as writing instructions based on the knowledge level of the person preparing the dish.? Someone may not know that mirepoix is a blend of carrots, celery and onion.
So the next time you are looking for a recipe or creating your own, make sure to consider the roots of recipe writing and create a checklist for yourself to ensure you can serve the highest quality dish!
P.S.? Please consider trying the attached Beef Empanda recipe in honor of National Empanada Day!