The Root Causes of CRO Failure, Part 1

The Root Causes of CRO Failure, Part 1

A Tragic Sequence of Events - An All Too Common Scenario.

Imagine the following sequence of events:

  • A CEO is instructed by the board to lift revenues in the new financial year.
  • To meet these ambitious targets, the CEO proposes the recruitment of a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), which the board approves.
  • Following an extensive search, the ideal CRO candidate is appointed, but at this point, the first quarter of the sales year has elapsed.
  • The newly appointed CRO invests several weeks acclimatising to the organization, familiarising themselves with the teams, clients, and market dynamics.
  • By now, the organisation is approaching the end of the first half of its sales year, but the new ambitious sales targets keep getting missed.
  • The board is becoming impatient and puts pressure on the CEO to show results in the second half.
  • This pressure is passed on to the CRO, who now has serious concerns for their tenure in the new job.
  • In a state of panic, the CRO shifts focus towards short-term goals and swift revenue generation.
  • A few quick-win deals offer temporary respite to the beleaguered CRO and CEO.
  • But now the pressure is on to deliver MORE of these quick-win deals.
  • In this flurry, the CRO is now trapped as their role is reduced to that of a VP of Sales, with an emphasis on short-term targets.
  • As a consequence, the CRO never has the chance to demonstrate their capability and potential in the strategic role for which they were hired.
  • The promised transformation in revenue results never materialises.
  • Blame falls squarely on the CRO for the disappointing performance.
  • The outcome is inevitable: the CRO is dismissed.
  • The cycle recommences with the search for a new CRO.

How frustrating is that, for everyone involved?

So, What Went Wrong, Exactly?

There are 3 Key Reasons.

Read all about them in The Root Causes of CRO Failure, Part 2.

Click on the image to go there now.

The Root Causes of CRO Failure, Part 2
Another Buyer-Focused Sellimng article by Peter Strohkorb


Peter Strohkorb b2b sales specialist online

Peter Strohkorb?is the Founder and Principal of?Peter Strohkorb Advisory, the Sales Acceleration Advisory firm with a growing list of clients in the b2b services and tech space in the USA, in Australia and in the UK.

Our motto is?"Co-Creating Your Sales Success." ,?and that is exactly what we deliver to you, our clients.

Let's talk about modern sales.


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