Root Cause of Ukraine Russia War
The Ukraine Russia War is an outward manifestation of what was going on in the minds of the leaders and the people for the last several decades.
Do we not have a war within our selves and with each other every day? ?Do we also not have a war with others in our day to day lives? This may or may not lead to a war such as the Ukraine Russia war! However, does it not affect our day to day lives!
When we are fight within our selves or with others, may be through words or actions, it could be subtly, behind people’s backs or in many other ways, which are not ?necessarily physical, however, in our minds, it is harmful as it affects us in our day to day lives and prevents us from finding happiness.
The current Ukraine Russia war as we know is causing havoc in the world and is affecting nearly each and every person on the planet, with inflation, cost of war and its ramification which will be long lasting. The world is also heading towards a recession where the Ukraine Russia war is one of the contributors. Germany’s inflation has touched around 26% with USA also getting into a rapid rate of inflation.
The question comes what can do we do in the current situation. There is not much each of us can do to end the Ukraine Russia war which is being dealt mainly by the leaders. What we can do is to stop the war which is going on within us each and every day and the war with others, could be in our minds or through our words and in extreme cases physically how we behave with others.
We see this war happening in politics, sports, business and a lot of other fields. There is also a positive side where we see people who are doing good for the world.
The best way to prevent the war within our selves and others is to not store memories.Either we can express what happens to us by means of the way we behave with others, may not be in the best way, or we could suppress what happens which we store in our minds.When we store our experiences which happened, they erupt in other ways, like it has happened in the Ukraine Russia war.
The solution is to release what we store when something happens. We can release by letting go and not keeping things in our mind, we can release by reducing our desires, we can release by not wanting things to happen the way we want shall happen, we can release by not letting ego come in way of our relationships…
The list ?of what we can release can go on and on and only each of us can release what ever happens to us in our day to day lives!