No Room for Gobbledygook in Your Marketing Vocabulary

No Room for Gobbledygook in Your Marketing Vocabulary

Marketing and the public relation industry are filled with terms and jargon that is unique and difficult to understand to those who do not have a lot of experience in the field. Many marketers and firms will hide behind the lingo to hide the lack of results their campaigns may be producing.   

If the marketer or firm you hire starts to use a heavy dose of jargon when talking with you, it should raise a red flag. An effective communicator and the individual you want handling your promotional efforts should be able to explain in simple English the results of their activities and how it is benefiting your bottom line.

In addition to speaking in plain English, your team should be able to display accurate and informative results of the work they have performed. They should be able to describe the scope of the activity and the goal behind each task. Furthermore, you should expect your marketing team to explain how they expect their activities to increase your revenue. 

Here are several questions to ask your team to understand what they are doing or what they have done. I recommend that you ask them to explain any terms or jargon they may throw in their explanations.

 Q: What have you done to promote my product/service this past week? 

Q: What is your expectation of results from doing this task? 

Q: What results have we seen so far? 

Q: How do you think these results will help my return on investment? 

Q: Do you feel we are on the right course of action? 

Q: What could we do to increase more awareness, likes or leads? 

Q: How many hours have you spent on my project this month?

 Q: Are we on budget? 

These are some simple and basic questions to ask your representative. If they continue to skirt your questions or unable to give you basic data. I recommend that you begin to find a new representative or firm to help you in promoting your product or service. 

If you would like to work with a firm who updates their clients on a weekly basis and explains in plain English the goals they hope to obtain. I recommend that you reach out to my team at Ironrod Media. We have a history of helping individuals and firms increase their awareness and revenue. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 385 223 8975.


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