There is No Room
There is No Room
(Luke 2:6-7) Luke tells us that Mary wrapped her firstborn son Jesus in swaddling clothes. What are swaddling clothes and why was this done? Swaddling clothes were bandages which were tightly wrapped around a new-born child. The rank of the child was indicated by the splendor and costliness of these bands. Children of wealthy parents would wrap the child with white linen and gold bands. They would also use expensive purple cloth, fastened with a broach.
The infant was wrapped firm and tight. It looked like a little mummy. Arms, hands, and feet could not be seen. A band was also wrapped under the baby’s chin and across its forehead. The wrappings protected the baby but also gave it a sense of security. The confinement is similar to what it faced in the womb of its mother.
Even in His birth, we are reminded of Christ’s death. These same types of wrappings were used to wrap the body of those who had died. Beloved, Jesus was born to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life.
The problem of “no room” is symbolic of the problem that man has faced since Jesus was born. Most of mankind, throughout history, has had “no room” for the Lord Jesus Christ. People have no room for Christ because they are full of themselves, full of their own will, full of their own cares, and full of their own sinfulness. They feel they have no time or no need for the Lord. People may deny Christ and scorn Him. Yet, every time they write the date of the year, they are giving a witness to the fact of His birth in Bethlehem. Truly His birth was the most important and famous of all births.
God wants access to us. He wants to come into our heart and fellowship with us through His Spirit.
Revelation 3:20 NASB
20?“Behold, I stand?at the door and?knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door,?I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.”
The context of this verse in Revelation 3:20 applies to God’s people and their fellowship with the Lord. Yet, there is an application for those who do not know Christ as their Savior. Few people, including some Christians, open the doors of their hearts to walk with God and have daily fellowship with Christ because they are seeking satisfaction in other areas. They are filled with other trivial things. Let me ask, “Have you crowded the Lord out of your life? Do you spend any time with Him? Do you really have a close relationship with Him? Are you accessible to the Lord?” This is His plea and challenge to us all through the Bible.
Proverbs 23:26 NASB
26?“Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes?[a]delight in my ways.”
Romans 6:13 NASB
13?“And do not go on?presenting?the parts of your body to sin?as?instruments of unrighteousness; but?present yourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead, and?your body’s parts?as?instruments of righteousness for God.”
Romans 12:1 NASB
1?“Therefore?I urge you, brothers?and sisters, by the mercies of God, to?present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice,?acceptable to God,?which is?your?spiritual service of worship.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 LBLA
19?“Or?do you not know that?your body is a?temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from?God, and?that?you are not your own??
20?For?you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in?your body.”