The Rookie's Guide to Success Part 1: UNDERSTAND YOUR WALLET
Blake St. Onge
Blake St. Onge
Dad x3 | Youth Sports Coach | CRE Advisor | Managing Principal | Equity Partner | PBJ 40U40 | EY EOY Strategic Partner | OVF Investor
As a competition for the firms Rookie of the Year award in 2007, I wrote a little guide, dubbed The Rookie's Guide to Success, based upon my observations at the time. Through these articles, I will share my observations from then, with some notes about how things may have changed.
Part 11: Understand Your Wallet, be prudent
Although corporate real estate can be a lucrative industry, a Rookie must use patience to get there.?There are those who will make it and there are those who think they already have.?Let me be the first to tell you, a Rookie will not be there after 1 year.?Along with making it, comes the monetary indication of making it.
Managing Principal: Telos Real Estate
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