Rooftop Revolution: Embracing Change in the Roofing Industry Amidst Private Equity Influx

Rooftop Revolution: Embracing Change in the Roofing Industry Amidst Private Equity Influx

I’m a lifelong learner and observer of business.

It just so happens that I’ve been closest to the construction and, more notably, the roofing industry over the last 23 years.

I come from the construction world: I’m the son of a contractor who is also the son of a contractor, and so forth.

It’s in my DNA, and I love this industry.

I’m not as skilled at working with my hands as those that have come before me, nor have I ever claimed to be.

I know enough to be slightly dangerous, but I am more interested and fascinated by how the business side of this works.

I’ve studied it my entire life and have found the most success in helping contractors see this industry through a different lens.

That being said, I greatly admire and love what this industry stands for and the opportunities it provides for people.

This industry has become a living, breathing ecosystem, with numerous businesses supporting and building off it.

Suppliers, manufacturers, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, and more all work in one sandbox and support each other throughout the years.

I’ve made countless friends and developed close, meaningful relationships with folks nationwide because of this industry.

I love it.

But the reality is that change is here.

Our industry is shifting, and it’s moving quickly.

Every vertical in the construction industry will or has experienced these changes.

It’s the nature of business in America.

Everything will become corporatized once an industry matures and the financials make sense.

Well, they are making more and more sense for roofing now.

The perfect storm is upon us for our industry, and as a friend, I am telling you to get ready.

This year has the potential to tip the scales per se for roofing.

Here’s why…

1. The number of storms. We have had a record storm year unlike anything I’ve seen in the last 23 years, and hurricane season hasn’t even started. In the past 12 months, between hurricanes and hail/wind storms, the amount of money insurance companies are spending on restoration will cause some significant reform, which I believe will come in the form of legislation as the losses pile up.


2. The shift in home ownership. Interest rates have gone up, yet home values have barely budged... Who is buying up homes? It turns out it’s not individuals; a record amount of homes are being purchased by large investment firms and rented out. These investment firms aren’t rolling up to your local insurance agent's office and buying policies for those houses. They’re essentially taking many homes out of the general insurance premium pool.

Combine just these factors, and it’s causing a massive interruption to the ecosystem of the industry.

You will begin to see these large corporations buying more and more roofing companies as they attempt to capitalize on the future needs of the industry.

The carrier and large investment companies will set the pricing for the contractors, and these large contractors will take the work at a lower cost but make it up in volume and become efficient in how they operate their business.

They will use their massive resources to build a cheaper way to do this, take the bulk of the business, and leave us with the rest.

So what do you do to combat this?

Well, for the time being, retail markets will exist within the roofing industry.

Houses will still need work done, and roofs will deteriorate and must be replaced.

But because of what we mentioned above, your competition will shift.

You’ll be competing with contractors that are giant corporate conglomerates able to leverage volume for lower costs.

How do you lower costs and become as efficient and lean as possible? That is the short-term opportunity, but ultimately that becomes a race to the bottom.

Or if you can’t beat them, do you join them?

What if you wait too long?

To be real, you’re precious to these companies right now, but at what point do you lose that value as they consume your competition?

Business lessons are about to be learned during this shift.

It’s the age-old story of every industry.

It’s just happening to us now.

