Roobinium: Become Superhuman #2
Ilya Dudakov
Senior UI/UX Designer in Blockchain | DeFi/Fintech ?? | Metaverse ?? | AI ?? | MiniApp design | Leading the design world towards Crypto since 2017
Become a SUPERHUMAN In Daily Life and Work
Feeling exhausted? Overwhelmed? Not being able to stay focused? Feel like you aren’t capable of getting things done at times? And literally, swayed with work with no end??
It happens to most of us from time to time, don’t you think? And we can end up in this situation again if we… Don’t learn (1.) To listen to our bodies, and prioritize our health. (2) Learn to shut down our minds. (3) Set priorities right to stay productive. (4) And have solutions at hand to help us with energy and cognition.?
And this is exactly what the article is all about! Today, I will share with you how to stay on top of your daily work and life duties. I’ll share with you SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS TO TRY
(1.) How to Listen and Use to Our Bodies.
Do you agree that life is full of ups and downs? That no day is exactly the same? And who do you think suffers the most?...
Of course, it’s your body! It becomes exhausting from stress and too much work! But most of us, don’t really care until it hurts so bad. It is almost too late!?
Listen to your body by taking small breaks. Adjust your breath. Scan your body parts whilst lying down. Thanks to every organ of yours for incredible work! Feel it and love it! It’s all you have got! ?Have you tried Bodyscan Mindfulness Meditation? Try finding it on Youtube? ???
Health is more important than money. Health comes first! You know it, right? I practice 5-10 minute guided meditations every 3 hours. Will that work for you??
(2) How to Shut Down Your Mind When YOU Need.?
Do you ever hear your inner self-critique? Does it hurt you more than someone else outside? Does it tell you that you are not good enough? Too fat? Too skinny? To something? Does it ever shut up? And does it really help?!??
In my practice, it doesn’t! And it can take you further by stopping you in your tracks toward success! This voice can be so incessant that it kills some people in the end!?
…And what is the solution?... Learn to work with your mind! Learn to accept the inner critique! Learn to shut down that voice! But how?!??
By taking a break! By doing 5 minutes of meditation! By writing out the thoughts that hurt! By realizing the negative and positive triggers. By practicing mindfulness and mental detox.?
I use Da Silva Method, why don’t you try it? It will help you with so many things.
(3) Set Priorities Right to Stay Productive.
Life doesn’t stand still? Work keeps on growing? Stress and anxieties are adding up every day? Listen here, you are superhuman when you realize your limits and learn to live like one (but not like a machine!)???
Set your priorities right! Be smart and strategic! Learn to sharpen your focus! Take care first of your physical needs. Without your health everything else becomes unimportant! Take care of yourself first, then, think of others!?
Take time to breathe and focus! Solitude is gold worth and worth millions of dollars! And deeds that happen without much thought is like a rabbit that runs around wasting valuable time!?
Spend enough time on strategy! Create a system that works for you! Sharpen that saw before you start cutting the wood of your business. And of course! Believe in yourself!?
(4.) Have Solutions at Hand to Help us with Energy and Cognition.
This world is a magnificent creation! It has so much to offer! There are magical herbs that can help you adapt! Rhodiola Rosea is great for vitality and tonus. Ashwagandha will balance hormones and improve your sleep.?
Holy Basil will make you feel balanced and happy. Lyons Main with B Vitamins will connect you to your Higher Self. Water Hyssop will give you amazing focus! Mucuna Pruriens will help with motivation! Try these?! Maybe? If you feel a need??
Have you probably used some of these already? But didn’t find some of these effective enough for you? Don’t worry! And keep on doing what’s working. You may not need herbal supplements too!????
And please remember, I am not here to teach or preach or to sell you something! I am here because I love what I do!?