Ron’s Rant #32 – Finding your Passion!
I have found a perfect balance in writing during this pandemic. Half the time I write a variety of technical reports for clients, ranging from logistics of a railway operation in Africa to standards for a commuter railway in Ontario. My most recent project was as an SME to review logistics for a mining company that required a rail haul covering almost half of Canada. Nice to know that experience is still valued and this work is still mostly fun. The other half of my time I write for the pure fun in it. I have a passion for fun.
I often describe the second part of my career working for others as “switching channels”. If I hit a wall or found myself waiting information on a project, I could always put my energy into another. But since leaving full time employment as a people manager, I found a huge time void opened up which I have most recently filled by writing a semi autobiographical account of my life. It is still developing in form; and is either a series of memoirs or an autobiography. I just passed a milestone of 50,000 words, so will soon have to decide how to package and sell it. And I am also working on piece of science fiction that I started 5 years ago. That has not yet moved past an outline of a story. But I can see this flight of fantasy occupying my interests more as new time voids in my life arise.
So, back to my passion for rail safety and writing these rants. More and more, you may find personal accounts of railway events from my past creeping into these weekly rants. I enjoy writing them and I hope you enjoy reading them. If you give me some questions/feedback, it will be easier for me to target rail safety items that you enjoy reading. Otherwise, you will be left to ride along on my flights of fancy.
And remember to stay home, and stay safe.
If you have any questions or comments or want to identify safety concerns about railways, please send them along on LinkedIn or you can comment using the form on my website:, or you can email direct to me at [email protected]
Have a safe week, Safety for Life!