Ronald McDonald Stole My 12 Networking Tips
I attend numerous events throughout the year and I get a lot of questions from my followers, my network and professionals at networking events: What are some sound networking tips to ask other professionals for at events? Getting people to open up to you is a sound first step but then to build a rapport you need to keep them talking. So what are the right questions to ask to get others to open up to you? Here are twelve questions that I ask professionals at a typical networking event:
- Tell me about your business, what do you do?
- What is your biggest wish for this year?
- What is the most unique aspect of what you do?
- What type of client is your least profitable and why?
- What is your biggest challenge?
- Do you have employees? If so what is the most difficult thing you have to deal with relating to them?
- What is the best thing that has happened in your business this year?
- What is your biggest personal accomplishment so far?
- What do you hope your biggest accomplishment is in your career?
- I’d love to refer someone to you. What is an ideal client?
- Who are your power partners and if you don’t have any who would they be?
- How can I help you in business and in networking?
Networking is more than shaking hands and passing around business cards. It is about building your social network by developing and maintaining secure relationships. This process is more about farming than it is about hunting and cultivating relationships with other business professionals. So, by asking valuable questions you have a chance to get to know the person, shows that you really do care and that is the best compliment you can give to someone. At your next event try using my twelve questions to ask at the networking event and you’ll see the improvement in your network and in yourself.
Carpe Diem,
Michael Td Roberts