ROME TRAVEL BLOG with ideas, useful info and news for your trip to Rome, Italy!

ROME TRAVEL BLOG with ideas, useful info and news for your trip to Rome, Italy!

Welcome to Dual Ec(h)o – a journey that will surprise you with perspectives from both lifelong Romans and those who have found a new home here in this incredible city.

Today marks the launch of a new feature on our blog!

Explore the heart of Rome, diving into its art, culture, food, traditions, challenges, and transformations.

In our first episode, we dive into one of the year’s most significant events: the Jubilee of Hope. Have you noticed the scaffolding and construction sites reshaping the city? Let’s uncover what has changed after years of preparations for such a monumental occasion.

Link in bio and stories.

#EcoArtTravel #DualEcho #Rome #JubileeOfHope #Giubileo


