Romans 13:11-14

Romans 13:11-14

Romans 13:12 is a constant reminder that the long, dark night of this world is almost over, and the Day of the Lord is just about to dawn.

Paul tells us to cast off the works of darkness. The Greek word he uses, apotithemi, means to throw something off yourself, to take it away and remove it completely.

Imagine this: you come to the realization that the clothes you’re wearing are filthy, soaked with disease, bacteria, and viruses—all designed to harm you and even destroy you. What do you do? You don’t keep them on! Of course not! You strip them off and throw them straight into the fire! That’s what Paul is saying here about the “works of darkness.” Those sinful habits, those weights and distractions that drag us down—they’ve got to go.

But don’t stop there! Paul says to “put on the armor of light” (verse 12) and to put on the Jesus Christ (verse 14). In Paul’s time, this language would have been understood as putting on the Lord's glory, His divine majesty, and His righteousness -- like clothing fit for royalty. It’s a transformation, not just in how we live, but in how we reflect His light and His holiness.

Let’s be challenged today … don’t make any provision for the flesh. Don’t give sin a foothold or a chance to creep back in. Instead, clothe yourself in the Lord’s majesty and glory, and walk as His ambassador of light in this dark world.

Brothers & Sisters, every time you cast off the dead things in your life and put on His glory, you’re not only living for Him—you’re helping to prepare the way for His soon return. What a privilege to be part of that! The night is almost over — let’s be ready for the dawn. PUT ON SOME NEW CLOTHES! Guide Makombo's Devotions


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