Romans 1: 17 Greek emphasis

Romans 1: 17 Greek emphasis

Romans: the righteousness and wrath of God (1v17;18)

δικαιοσ?νη γ?ρ θεο? (Rom 1:17 BGT) noun. Fem. Sing. This is the subject of a finite verb (revealed) and according to K?stenberger (Kostenberger, 2016: 199) Paul was forced to use the verb in the passive voice to keep “the righteousness of God as the main topic.

“God” is in the genitive case (Noun. Gen. Mus. Sing.) “God” functions in both verses 17 and 18 in the same way (“wrath of God and righteousness of God”). it is the subjective genitive. It often functions as the subject of the verbal idea given. It is “implicit in the head noun, receiving the action” (Kostenberger 2016: 106)

γ?ρ ?ργ? θεο?  (Rom 1:18 BYZ) “Wrath” corresponds with righteousness in the grammatical sense. Same functions as well. The subject of a finite verb

Wallace takes the genitive even further he argues that (Wallace 1996: 107-109) the genitive in Rom. 1v17 might be a genitive of separation even though it is still debatable as it could be the genitive of source. Both have a strong argument.

Now what does this mean? The “righteousness of God” (v.17) and “wrath of God” (v.18). how are we to understand this? Well according to Lloyd (Lloyd-Jones 2015: 295) if we look at the previous verse the word “for therein” is repeated, drawing our attention to actually say that ‘in the gospel’ is the righteousness of God revealed. The question is thus – how shall a man be just with God? that is the business of the Gospel, to make us right with God and to makes us acceptable in the sight of a Holy and just God. Lloyd states this very clear “it means a righteousness that comes from God, and a righteousness that satisfies God” (Lloyd-Jones 2015: 299)

This is precisely what Christ did, he satisfied the wrath of God on the cross and gave us (imputing) his righteousness so we can stand in the presence of the living God. Murry agrees with Lloyd very much he confirms (Murry 1996: 29) that the “righteousness of God is revealed” in action, to be made manifest with saving effect. He means that in the gospel the righteousness of God is actively brought to bear upon man’s sinful condition.

This righteousness is not the attribute of God that Paul is speaking about, yet it is closely related. It has the character of God. it’s the righteousness of God – a God-righteousness. This righteousness is unto justification because it carries the operative power unto salvation which is Christ righteousness imputed unto man.

What about the wrath of God? it cannot be what we think it means, like a person who needs anger management no, God hates sin and everything that belongs to the realm of Darkness and Lloyd states (Lloyd-Jones 2015: 340) the wrath of God is aimed at sin, it’s God’s hatred toward sin and in His holiness and his perfect justice, He rightly deals and punish sin.

According to Hendriksen (Hendriksen 1999: 67) “there is no way to be saved than that of accepting the gospel by faith, for the wrath of God rest upon man who is unable to save himself whether performing the works of law or by any other means. “The knowledge of God in Rom 1v18-21 is communicated. Its mediate and not innate


Hendriksen, William. 1999. Romans. Edinburgh: Banner of truth.

Kostenberger. 2016. Going deeper with new testament Greek. Nashville: B&H academic.

Lloyd-Jones, D.Martin. 2015. Romans: The Gospel of God chapter 1. Edinburgh: the Banner of truth.

Murry, John. 1996. The Epistle to the Romans. Michigan: Eerdemans.

Wallace, Daniel B. 1996. Greek Grammer Beyond the Basics. Michigan: Zondervan.

simon dannie

One more thing to do before I die!

1 年

The important part of the verse is missing. Sorry. Not very useful.

Hannes (Zegement) Grove

Book Author|actor|writer|model|cpo

5 年

Thank you

Barbara Barbieri Elocution Accent Reduction Specialist

Assist YOU to communicate eloquently with a reduced accent by utilizing effective practical methods and innovative techniques.

5 年

A well written article!!


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