Romance: Shattered by Patented Neglect and Kindled Disinterest!
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Ed.
Chief Administrator at MODE of Cosmic Therapy School of Energy Research
Relationships, relationships, relationships, it’s all about coming to terms with our salivated gluttony induced emotional relationships.
The undeniable fact that we are ravenously in our pursuit of sexual gratification, romantic adoration, harmonic communication, instantaneous accumulation and committed accommodation goes without saying.
Deep down, at the esoteric psychological level, we are in search of what we think we lack.
We are, no doubt, over gorged with incessant thoughts, desires needs, and actions flooding our insatiable sensual appetites while demanding fulfillment; which is not a bad thing unless we deny it.
We are far too consumed with the ideals in our partners that are supposed to matter but don’t. Why are we so driven to have the ‘perfect relationship’? Because we want to be constantly entertained and conveniently distracted.
If we were willing to let one sliver of truth into the current involvement, we may find that what we don’t have it too bad, after all. When we fixate upon the notion that our involvements are substandard and unfulfilling, the real culprit may, in fact, not be the other, at all, but ourselves.
What do we imagine our partners are supposed to do for us, really? Make us happy , pleased, and giddy while wreaking us with undulating pleasure by performing a miraculous vein flushing of ‘feel good’ endorphins whenever he/she comes into our presence?
What a heavy unnecessary burden to place upon another! The unpleasant truth of the matter is: we invent, produce and evoke the temperature of the environment in which the relationship subsists. We nurture the garden our own discontent.
No one else does it to us. If our relationship world is hopelessly fragmented, it has been shattered by patented neglect and kindled disinterest. When, precisely, the seeds of dissatisfaction were planted is another karmic love story that needs further soul investigation.