Romance the Muse
stephan ekbergh
Prisoner of Hope. Entrepreneur. Conductor at Innovation City Cape Town
- stuff you wont read in a business book part1 -
I have a speech that I deliver, where I talk about ideas and opportunities. I compare it to radio waves floating in the ether and you need a receiver to pick it up. Humanly what’s required is the capability of listening. I use the trailer for “as it is in Heaven” to illustrate my point. I’m not sure how many gets it but for those that does it’s almost a spiritual experience, at least that what I’m hearing.
I have this simple philosophy we are at our best when we do our own stuff and stop pretending and copying everyone else. That’s goes for our lives and our businesses. That’s why I’m in Africa, having the best time ever and that’s why some of you are sitting in a tube commuting 2 hours per day to work. But that’s not what I want to talk about. It’s about the accessing info, that’s not yet on Google.
Opportunities are always around us, they are omnipotent. The life force in an opportunity is miraculous. It will keep looking for hosts until the opportunity is well developed and exhausted. We often take the credit for all great ideas, but honestly that’s not how it works. We are hosts and we can chose to respond or not. I mean how many times haven’t you heard someone say, “I had that idea...”.
Musicians often talk about their muse. It’s the spirit or what you want to call it that whispers the tunes and lyrics and ideas for the music. You don’t hear about any entrepreneurs talking to the muse. Imagine Fortune 500 CEO talking about his muse. Stock dropped 10% on the fear of Corp XYZ CEO going mental.
But hold on. What’s wrong with that?
My muse almost always talks but I don’t always listen. I listen best when I’m off guard, like running. My muse is on vacation when we try to have a brainstorm session. It seems everyone else’s is gone too.
My muse loves when I’m bored. My muse shuts down when I’m on social media or when I’m flipping through flip board, reading twitter or doing any of these mind numbing activities. My thrives when I’m trying to solve problems when I’m in the gutter digging, when its dirty and problematic.
That’s how it works for me.
I think we can develop our hearing on these things because ideas are all around. How come Bob Dylan, Paul Mc McCartney, Bruce Springsteen has written hundreds and hundreds of songs, other struggles to do 10 or 2. I think some are just better at listening than others. It’s the same in the business world.
Once it becomes part of your DNA you can just go with it.
I believe you can find your muse and learn how to romance her to speak more clearly and more often. How it happens it’s really up to us. And if we have the balls to act upon what she says who know what might happen. We might actually get lucky.
3 o clock in the morning Dubai airport, having nothing better to do.
CEO and Cofounder at (Hiring Smart People for Smart Companies), Leader at Moscow Python Community
10 年The same thing for me - I also hear my muse when I am running. So unfortunate that I have too many stuff to do recently and haven't been running for couple of months already. :(