The Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Apostolic Churches Concealed the Names of Seven Apostles
"Rightly Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites as it is written:
---Mark 7:6-7
?As Vatican librarians can attest, the Holy See changed the names of 7 Apostles and masked Judas' identity before the first Holy Bibles were printed. Roman Prefects calling themselves "Bishops" spread the fictitious names throughout Europe during their preachings to draw peasantry to Roman Centurions posing as the Apostles.
As Lutheran World Congress librarians and Church of England librarians can attest, Martin Luther and John Locke later changed the name of 4 of those 7 Apostles or a second time. Those changes were made to "protect Grand Inquisitors employed by Frederick Barbarossa.".
Christ our Lord selected each disciple one by one except for two Macedonian tax collectors. They were selected together the day Christ our Lord first entered Jerusalem. Judas Icarus (ne Judas Escrariot) was the first Apostle.
Icarus was of a wealthy family from Kyoto. His mother supplied herbs to Rome. His secondary name was altered to "protect his mother's trade" upon the order of the Imperial Protectorate.
Delacroix was the second. He was of a wealthy family from Belgium. His name was changed to James.
Jacob was the third. He was of a wealthy family near Bastonge in modern France. He was eulogized by Roman Prefects as Peter after he was slain near Athens in 28 AD. Roman Centurions claimed he was the architect of Catholicism and nicknamed him Simon.
Titus was the fourth. He was of a modest family from Shri Lanka. His name was first changed to Amos by the Holy See and later to Andrew by Martin Luther and John Locke.
Juno was the fifth. He was of a modest family from the Fairbanks area of modern Alaska. His name was changed by the Holy See to Phillip.
Octavius and Matthew were the fifth and sixth. They were of a modest family from Nepal and collected taxes for Augustus. Octavius' name was first changed to Christus by the Holy See, altered to Christopher within non-Latin printings, and later to Batholomew by Luther and Locke.
Issac was the seventh. He was of a modest family from the Quatari region of the Arabian Peninsula. He was eulogized with the name Arturo by the Holy See for having sold the names and locations of the Apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Timothy to Roman Prefects. His name was later changed to Thaddeus by Luther and Locke.
Mark was the eighth. He was of an modest family from the Bostock region of modern Russia.
Luke was the ninth. He was of an impoverished family from the Upper Nile region of Hope (Africa).
Paul was the the tenth. He was of an impoverished family from Tuscany.
John was the eleventh. He was of an impoverished family from the London, Ontario region of modern Canada.
Timothy was the twelfth. He was the son of a ruler from Riga, Latvia. His name has been masked in modern translations as Simon the Zealot.
Christ our Lord schooled the Apostles for 4 hours each Sabbath. As Vatican librarians can attest, their attention diverted from His teachings each week and within 7 weeks they were competing with one another. The testimonies of the disciples that were present during the schoolings are quartered within the catacombs of Rome and within North Korean bunkers.
Judas wasn't the first Apostle to betray The Father. During the 11th Sabbath, Matthew broke a bowl upon his brother's skull. Timothy the Apostle's testimony mentions this (Timothy 10:14).
During the 21st Sabbath, Matthew the Apostle insulted Clemson. Clemson is remembered for her devotion to The Father despite Matthew the Apostle's threats to "throw you [her] to the street." (Timothy 18:86).
During the 110th Sabbath, Jacob the Apostle stole Christ our Lord's utensil and denied it was he (Timothy 44:44). As disciples testimonies reveal, Jacob later sold that utensil to a Parthagenian thief for 10 Denari.
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