Rolling Your 'Momentum'?

Rolling Your 'Momentum'

How do you make it look so easy?

This is a question I received last week in my group. 

It got me thinking. First up - what makes it look like it is easy? Second up, why is it actually easy?


Over the weekend I realised it was two things. 


Firstly, it looks easy because it isn’t work to me. I can honestly say that I haven’t worked a day since I left corporate. When you adore what you do, when you are doing what you were born to do, it isn’t work. 


I literally love it. 


This isn’t to boast, but rather to challenge you. Are you doing what you were put on earth to do? Or are you making do, complaining about what's happening in your life? Making excuses, telling yourself stories, so that you don’t have to change?


Secondly, it is easy now. It sure as hell wasn’t at the start. But here’s the truth. It is all MOMENTUM. I followed my process, I pivoted when I needed to, I listened and learned and I implemented. I was coachable. I invested in myself over and over and over again. 


I didn’t sit here waiting for the world to spoon feed me. Making excuses for me. My vision is much greater than me - and I have built the momentum to make my vision come true. 


So what's your vision? What's your reason for being here on earth? Are you going to do what it takes so that you build momentum? 


Will it be easy at the start?




Will you have to put in effort?




Will you have to become uncomfortable as you grow?




Will you have to work through mindset blocks you don’t even know you have?


Over and over.


Will it be worth it?




If you are the person who knows that you will show up for yourself, you aren’t the person who gives up on their dreams, because they have to do a little work, then drop me a YES below. We will jump on a call and have a chat. If I can help you - amazing, if I can’t, I’ll recommend someone who can. 


Drop me a YES and let's get your momentum rolling! 


M xx

It's always the start that can be the hardest, and yes -- absolutely agree. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep it going. But, once you've got it going? Don't stop.


