Rollatray: Answering the FAQs
Rollatray: Answering the FAQs
Since Metpro Group acquired the Demon Cato brand on 1st July 2021, we have found ourselves on a rollercoaster of activity. Initially, our predominant focus was on agreeing customer terms, both legacy and new. At the same time however, we decided to hit the ground running with marketing the innovative products for which Demon Cato is known; namely the Conlok System, Rapid Saddle and the latest addition, Rollatray.
?We have utilised a number of avenues for our activities with the digital landscape leading the charge in this respect. Combining our own website, social media channels and email campaigns with those of our Demon Cato Partners, as well as the industry-leading media platform, @eFixx, we have so far been very pleased with the reception and engagement these products have attracted.
?However, with 2022 now in full swing, we have finally been able to lift our heads and realise that, despite our own knowledge of these products, we naturally focus on what we deem to be the key features and benefits of these products. Ultimately and understandably, this results in a number of questions from the market which we would now like to answer, beginning with Rollatray.
What is Rollatray?
For those who may be unfamiliar with this product, Rollatray is a unique innovation, initially designed to dramatically increase installation speeds and reduce downtime in underfloor applications. A time v labour exercise we carried out produced a labour saving of up to 90%; not an insignificant statistic.
?Available in three widths (150mm, 300mm and 450mm), each Rollatray unit is supplied in 15 metre coils, essentially enabling the installer to simply unroll to the required length and cut with a dedicated guillotine or more traditional handsaw. With no couplers or brackets needed, as is necessary with standard cable tray, these coils roll out at a speed of 1 metre per second, with the added benefit of having no material memory meaning Rollatray lies flat once uncoiled and is attached directly to substrates.
?To see Rollatray in action, please click this link:
?Market Reception
Following a number of videos through our own digital channels and those of @eFixx, we have been delighted at the level of engagement with Rollatray (one YouTube video has over 24 million views at the time of writing), with the majority of comments being ones of positivity.
?However, as with anything new, there has also been an expected level of scepticism and need for more information. And so, below you will find a compiled list of the most common questions related to Rollatray, all of which are now answered. We understand that there will likely be more queries as more people come across our innovations and we would like to encourage anyone with a question to send them either directly to myself. Alternatively, you can contact our team on 0121 552 2100 or by email at [email protected].
Rollatray FAQs
Q: Where can Rollatray be installed?
A: Whilst initially designed for underfloor applications, Rollatray can be installed anywhere with a solid surface making it an ideal solution for multi-storey buildings, riser mains, commercial installations to provide a number of examples. As Rollatray is manufactured from pre-galvanised sheet steel, data centres are also another potential major application.
Q: Are there any plans for Rollatray to feature fold-up side walls?
A: Commonly referred to as ‘side walls’ within BS 61537 (Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems), the Standard advises these are required for deflection when spanning across bracketry. As Rollatray units are designed to be fixed directly to a substrate, there is no requirement for side walls. We would also highlight that, providing Rollatray is installed as per the manufacturer’s instructions and follows the latest standards, an installation will be achieved to the same principle as traditional cable tray, for example, a cable or conductor should be supported at regular intervals along its route by means of a suitable fixing such as a cable cleat or tie.
?Q: To what standards does Rollatray comply?
A: All Rollatray units meet the earthing requirements of BS EN 61537:2007 and are manufactured from 0.8mm medium duty pre-galvanised steel to BS EN 10346:2009 (continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products), both in line with standard cable tray.
Q: How is Rollatray fixed to a structure?
A: Rollatray can be installed simply by using either tapcon screws or alternatively with a Pulsa nail gun.
Q: How is Rollatray packaged & supplied?
A: Each unit of Rollatray is supplied individually and within protective weatherproof coverings, ensuring the pre-galvanised material maintains its integrity and offering on-site space saving.
Q: How heavy are Rollatray coils?
A: Each width of Rollatray is a certain weight which increases in line with the larger units. These weights follow along with our handling recommendations:
150mm = 11.7kg (1 person recommended)
300mm = 23.2kg (1 or 2 people recommended)
450mm = 34.9kg (2 people or dedicated lifting equipment e.g., forklift recommended)
Q: Are Rollatray products available on Luckins?
A: Yes. All Rollatray products can be found on Luckins along with other Demon Cato products; Conlok and Rapid Saddle.
Q: Where has Rollatray been installed?
A: Rollatray has been used on a number of major UK projects including; the Olympic Park Redevelopment in London, the Skypark in Glasgow, the Boston Scientific buildings in both Clonmel and Galway, the St James Centre in Edinburgh, and a major data centre project in Dublin to name a few.
Q: Are Rollatray edges sharp?
A: The rolled edges of each Rollatray unit are deburred after production. This is then followed up with the application of a dry to touch oil, designed to seal the pre-galvanised material against corrosion whilst also making the cut areas smoother. Furthermore, the fixing dimple threading area is recessed, in order to avoid any wires snagging and offering a smoother surface for handling purposes.
?Find out more
I hope that this piece has provided a greater understanding of this unique and innovative product, as well as providing in-depth answers to some of the common questions put to us in recent weeks.
?If you would like to find out more about Rollatray or any of our other Demon Cato innovations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly or our in-house sales team at any time who would be happy to help.